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; 一、形态 Morphology (1)成虫: 绦虫中最细小的一种,2-7mm长。 (2)虫卵: 与带绦虫卵相似 (3)棘球蚴 (hydatid cyst) adult: small, consists of scolex, neck and three proglottides, one at each developmental stage: immature, mature and gravid. scolex contain four suckers, hooks egg: similar with other Taenia ;;;;laminated membrane;; 棘球蚴;二、生活史         成虫  孕节     六钩蚴     棘球蚴 ;;v;三、致病 Pathogenicity 压迫和刺激 过敏和中毒 破裂和细菌感染 肝包虫病、肺包虫病、脑包虫病、骨包虫病 并发症:囊肿破裂(胆囊、腹腔、胸腔)---继发性棘球蚴病、感染 Hydatid cyst cause echinococcosis, or hydatidosis The development of clinical symptoms depends on the size of the cyst and the organs involved ;A hepatic lesion may be asymptomatic for as long as 75 years (66 %) Hydatid cysts grow faster in lung (22%) brain (2%) secondary infection rupture ( secondary cyst, allergic reaction) ;;;四、诊断 Diagnosis 1.询问病史 2.免疫学 3.X线、CT MRI 4.基因诊断 ;;;Key points Presumptive diagnosis may be based on history, radiographic studies, or scans Additional supportive data may be acquired from immunologic tests Microscopic examination of hydatid cyst fluid may reveal the hydatid sand or, under certain circumstances, just the hooklets Light, fluorescence, and epifluorescence microscopy can be used to visualize the hooklets; some approaches will require staining, some will not ;五、流行因素 Epidemiology 造成流行的原因: 1.病犬、狼排泄物污染牧草,羊、牛吞入感染, 人也可误食入。 2.病牛、羊的内脏或病羊被狗或狼吞噬而感染。 3.虫卵抵抗力强。 found in sheep-raising area carnivores are definitive hosts herbivores are intermediate hosts human infections resulting from ingestion of eggs man is a ‘dead end host’ for the parasite ; Humans contract the infection by ingesting eggs of the parasite in the feces of the definitive host Contaminated food or water is the common route of transmission,but direct contact with the defin


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