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Pan Weidong ;Faculty of Resources and Safety Engineering Address: Room 208,Complex building,Ding No.11 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 P. R. China Email: pwd@cumtb.edu.cn Tel: 86 10QQ: 1269 2203;Introduction to Coal;Text 1、Coal Text 2、Type of coal Text 3、Early uses of coal Text 4、Coal as fuel;Text 1、Coal Text 2、Type of coal Text 3、Early uses of coal Text 4、Coal as fuel;1. What does the peat can be used for? 2. What is the jet? 3. What does the graphite can be used for? ;Text 2 Types of coal As geological processes apply pressure to dead biotic material over time, under suitable conditions it is transformed successively into: Peat Lignite Sub-bituminous coal Bituminous coal Steam coal Anthracite Graphite;(1)Peat, considered to be a precursor of coal, has industrial importance as a fuel in some regions, for example, Ireland and Finland. In its dehydrated form, peat is a highly effective absorbent for fuel and oil spills on land and water. It is also used as a conditioner for soil to make it more able to retain and slowly release water.;泥炭又称草炭或称泥煤。它是古代沼泽环境特有的产物,在多水缺少空气的条件下,死亡后的松软的有机堆积层。 泥煤是在潮湿的森林里产生的一种生物淤泥,在深1米到7米的土壤里面。 《百度百科》;Peat in Lewis, Scotland ;在芬兰,泥煤也可以用来发电,他们称之为“泥煤发电”。 在产地,泥炭多被用来作为日常生活中的燃料使用。 在苏格兰地区,泥炭被大量用来作为制造苏格兰威士忌的过程中,烘烤已发芽大麦所需的燃料来源。使用泥炭烘干的大麦具有独特的烟熏味,已经变成苏格兰威士忌的风味特色,称为泥炭度(Peatiness)。 泥炭也是一种宝贵的自然资源。由于它独特的质轻、持水、透气和富含有机质,具有其他材料不可替代的作用。因此在世界园艺上和生产绿色有机复合肥中广泛应用。;Peat fire in stove;The Toppila Power Station, a peat-fired facility in Oulu, Finland.;Shatura Power Station. Russia has the largest peat power capacity in the world.;Peat has a high carbon content and can burn under low moisture conditions. Once ignited by the presence of a heat source (e.g., a wildfire penetrating the subsurface), it smolders. These smoldering fires can burn undetected for very long periods of time (months, years, and even centuries) propagating in a creeping fashion through the underground peat layer. Peat fires are emergi


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