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生理学奖:大脑GPS定位细胞(The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ) 约翰.奥基夫 (美英双重国籍) 梅─布里特.莫泽 (挪 威)爱德华.莫泽 (挪 威) Winning the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, May-Britt Moser, along with her husband Edvard Moser, cried as she accepted the award. Although research into Pakinsonsons or Alzaimers is not done yet, the Nobel Commitee has determined the research is worth awarding. May-Britt Moser is the 4th person to win the Nobel Prize since 1901.I think (the secret )is that we have the same vision, we love to understand, we do that by talking to each other and talking to others and try to address the questions we are interested in the best way that we can think of, and to be able to discuss this when you get an idea right on the spot, in stead of having a meeting of one to two or three weeks. That makes a huge difference. ?made a fundamental discovery of nerve physiology, and they have discovered cells that constitute position in the system in the brain. And it is based on two big discoveries, one discovery is the place cells by John OKeefe. This place cells, they give us an awareness of our place in the room, the second discovery is that by Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser who discovered the grid cells, these cells allow us to navigate our environment, they gave us a sense of navigational environment 物理学奖:蓝光LED赤崎勇 (日 本) 天野浩 (日 本)中村修二 (美籍日裔) “Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura are rewarded for inventing a new energy efficient and environment-friendly light source – the blue light-emitting diode (LED). In the spirit of Alfred Nobel, the Prize awards an invention of greatest benefit to mankind; by using blue LEDs, white light can be created in a new way. With the advent of LED lamps we now have more long-lasting and more efficient alternatives to older light sources.”红光和绿光LED当时已经问世很久,但是没有蓝光LED的存在,白光灯就无法制造出来。for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.  化学奖:超分辨率荧光显微镜  埃里克.贝齐格 (美 国


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