新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art 全册单元课件.pptx

新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art 全册单元课件.pptx

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UNIT 1 ART【版本:新人教 册别:选择性必修三】一、Discover Useful Structures二、Reading and Thinking三、Using Language【目 录】Discover Useful Structures【版本:新人教 册别:选择性必修三】UNIT 1 ART目录页 Lead-inⅠⅡ Infinitives as the predicativeIIIⅣcontents Language points HomeworkⅠ Lead-in Lead-inDiscover and FindRead these sentences and fill in the blanks using the correct words from the text on Pages 2 and 3. Discuss with your partner the function of the italicised infinitives.1. Perhaps the best ______ to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.2. During the Middle Ages, the ________ of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.waypurpose Lead-inDiscover and Find3. In this work, Monet’s ______ was to convey the light and movement in the scene ...4. __________________________ was no longer show reality, but instead to ask the question, “What is art?”aimWhat they attempted to do Lead-inDuring the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.During the Middle Ages, to teach people about Christianity was the purpose of Western art.Ⅱ Infinitives as the predicative Infinitives as the predicativeDiscover and Find1. 结构 动词不定式可以放在be, become, sound, taste等_______后面作表语。 2. 功能① Perhaps _____________________________________________the development of Western painting over the centuries. 也许,了解西方艺术的最好方法就是回顾若干个世纪以来西方绘画的发展。② ____________________________ your father for his opinion. 我的建议是问问你父亲的意见。系动词the best way to understand Western art is to look at What I would suggest is to ask Infinitives as the predicativeDiscover and Find动词不定式作表语Tip 1:主语是以 ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 等为中心的名词词组时,或者以 __________________表示时,一般用动词不定式作表语说明主语的内容。advice, ambition, custom, challenge, business, desire,difficulty, experience, habit, job, method, principle, problem, reason, risk, role, task, thi



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