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发动机燃油喷射系统残压测量装置设计 摘 要 内燃机试验成为了内燃机生产和科学研究工作中很重要的一个环节。内燃机的应用范围、品种和数量在持续扩大,内燃机中各系统零件对其性能、使用寿命等指标得要求也越来越高,伴随着其工业生产以及科学技术的迅猛发展。所以,要对内燃机得工作程序进行研究;我们要节约燃料、增加燃料的种类、以及研究新型结构;我们还要对产品的设计和研制惊醒满足要求的进化分析,从而符合多种用途的要求,这就是成为了工程技术人员非常重要的任务。 在其的自动控制系统中进行验证,我们要进行检测,把检测的数据放入到输入端的求和装置上,和我们之前假设的数值相比较,从而满足准确控制的目的。测量得出的精度决定了自动控制系统的精度,所以,被控物理量的测量装置是内燃机台架试验自动控制系统的主要组成成分。 这个课题也就成为了内燃机试验的一个非常重要的组成成分。我们主要对油管中的残留压力进行讨论研究,检测出的残留压力信号由我们设计的油管残留压力测量装置检测出,然后就对油管中残留压力进行定性、定量的分析。我们对此装置讨论研究可以让我们对内燃机燃油喷射系统有更多的了解。从而,其压力特性也有了相对全全面的认识以及对测量控制系统有更多的认识。 关键词 自动控制;内燃机;求和装置 Design of engine fuel injection device Abstract The internal combustion engine test becomes an important link in the engine production and scientific research. Internal combustion engine application range, species and quantity in the continued to expand, the internal combustion engine in various parts of the system to its performance, use life index requirements are increasingly high, along with the rapid development of the industrial production and science and technology. So, the study of internal combustion engine working procedures; we want to save fuel, increase fuel type, and the new structure. We also on product design and development woke up to meet the requirements of evolutionary analysis so as to meet the requirements for a variety of purposes, this is to be the task of the engineering and technical personnel is very important. In the automatic control system to verify, we have to testing, the testing data into to the input end of the summation of the device, and before we assumed values compared to meet the purpose of accurate control. The accuracy of the measurement is determined by the accuracy of the automatic control system. Therefore, the controlled physical quantity is the main component of the engine bench test automatic control system. This issue has become a very important component of the internal combustion engine testing. We mainly of tubing in the residual pressure to discuss and study, detection of residual pressure


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