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General information One of the most influential writers of the 20th century, his reputation is based on his novels, novellas and short stories. However, he was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. Most of Falkner’s works are set in his native state of Mississippi, and he is considered one of the most important Southern writers. William Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi, and brought up in near Oxford. He came from an old , white upper class family. It was from his own family history that Faulkner drew the material for most of his fiction. His family history represented the typical southern region’s characteristics of white social status, racial violence, honor codes, and tradition moral values. 约克纳帕塔法世系 威廉·福克纳一生共写了19部长篇小说与近百篇短篇小说,其中15部长篇与绝大多数短篇的故事都发生在约克纳帕塔法县,称为约克纳帕塔法世系这个“世系”以美国南方几个庄园主世家的荣辱兴衰为主线,表现了一个世纪以来美国南方社会的历史命运、社会变迁以及各阶层人物的起伏沉浮,写出了美国南方地区的典型特征,具有浓厚的乡土气息。约克纳帕塔法是福克纳作品的标志,是文学史上有名的虚构地点之一,原型是他故乡所在的拉斐特郡(Lafayette)。 As a screenwriter For twenty years he worked in Hollywood writing several screen plays like Today We Live (1933) and Land of the Pharaohs (1955) and producing many novels and short stories. He later worked in Hollywood with Howard Hawks, a movie director who became a friend of him. Fame: regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States. a representative of the writers using stream of consciousness * * William Faulkner (1897-1962)福克纳 Background Achievements Life Career Works Characteristics of southern literature a. The importance of family, sense of community, and religion. b. The importance of time and place, exploration of the past, sense of human limitation (moral dilemma). c. The use of southern voice and dialect. Most of th


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