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Unit 1 Time-Conscious Americans 1. budget vt. 学校编列了一百万美元建新图书馆的预算。 She is extremely busy, so she has to budget her time carefully. The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library. ① to plan the spending of … 她忙极了,所以必须好好安排时间。 1. budget (for) vi. 她为买新汽车而计划节省开支。 She budgeted for buying a new car. ② to save or spend money for … 1. budget n. 重要的是要平衡今年的预算开支。 It is important to balance this year’s budget. ③ a plan to show how much a person will be able to spend 1. budget adj. 他以低廉的价钱买下这所房子。 He bought the house at a budget price. ④ inexpensive, cheap How much do you charge for a double room? They charge a heavy tax on imported wine. 他们对进口酒征收重税。 He was charged with the robbery / with stealing the jewels. 他被指控抢劫。 2. charge v. 1) (for) 索价;要价 2)(with) accuse 控告,指控 3)使充电,使充满 n. 价钱,费用 / 控告/ 负责,管理 / 充电 be in charge of … “负责…” be in the charge of … “由…负责” charge sb. with… accuse sb. of … 指 控 eg. Who should ___________ such a situation? Situation should _____________ people who are qualified. 【辨析】 负责 be in charge of be in the charge of 3. acute adj. 1) (of the senses) able to notice small differences 敏锐的,灵敏的 2) severe 严重的 3) (疾病) 急性的 Dogs have an acute sense of smell. acute pain 剧烈的疼痛 This area has an acute shortage of water. 这个地区严重缺水。 4. abrupt a. (of behavior) rough 粗鲁的, 无礼的 sudden and unexpected 突然的,意外的 an abrupt manner 无礼的态度 There are abrupt weather changes. [谚语] 天有不测风云。 The meeting came to an abrupt end. 会议突然结束了。 【辨析】 rude vs. abrupt rude: 指对别人态度粗鲁,缺乏必要的礼貌。 abrupt: 侧重指由于过于突然或事先缺乏考虑 而表现出的不礼貌。 eg. It’s _____ to tell someone you don’t like them. rude 5. opening n. 1. 开业典礼 2. 空缺职位 a. beginning 开始的 shop opening hours opening words There are no op


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