污控ch6.1等离子体 1class研讨.ppt

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污控ch6.1等离子体 1class研讨

Chapter 6.1 Plasma technique for Pollution Control Chemistry on Pollution Control 等离子体 等离子体是处于电离状态的气体,是美国科学家Langmuir于1927年在研究低气压下汞蒸汽中放电现象时命名的。 等离子体由大量的电子、离子、中性原子、激发态原子、光子和自由基等组成,但整体表现出电中性。 等离子体又称物质第四态,它是包含足够多的正负电荷数目近于相等的带电粒子的非凝聚系统。 What is PLASMA? “Fourth State” of matter Ionized gas at high temperature capable of conducting electrical current Lightning is an example from nature 等离子体催化 等离子体催化净化技术是利用高能电子射线激活、电离、裂解废气中各组分,从而使其发生一系列复杂的物理变化和化学反应,而随后的催化剂将促进副产物的转化,并降低反应的活化能,把有害物转化为无害的或有用的物质加以回收。 低温等离子体催化技术解决了传统的净化方法所不能解决的问题。利用该技术来处理废气始于20世纪70年代,有的已进入应用阶段。低温等离子体催化可以处理废气,如VOCs,还原脱硫、联合脱硝等。 When an electric field is applied to a volume of gas, highly energetic electrons are generated. Highly energetic electrons rapidly collide with gas molecules initiating a succession of chemical reactions. ‘Active’ plasma species is formed, including free radicals, ions, excited molecules. In the case of a plasma formed in a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, new gas molecules such as H2?is formed. Dry: CH4 + CO2 = 2CO + 2H2 With water: CH4 + 2H2O = CO2 + 4H2 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 94 (2010) 19–26 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 2004, 49 (1), 180 Processes of plasma Non-thermal Plasmas Electrical Properties Chemistry Electrical properties Depending on reactor type Pulsed corona – large volume/surface ratio, large discharge gap Dielectric barrier – large surface/volume ratio, small discharge gap; barrier properties; frequency (capacitive coupling) Dielectric packed bed – intermediate surface/volume ratio discharge gap; dielectric packed be properties; frequency (local capacitive coupling) Chemistry Fast radical ion formation (E/n) in active discharge region Pulsed corona –streamer head Dielectric barrier –μ-discharges; ionization waves; fully developed streamers; Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Slow volume chemistry (chain reactions) Plasma-Catalytic Reactor Concepts 1-stage reactor (plasma in contact to catalytic surfaces) Examp


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