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大连理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) “香界”—气味体验馆室内设计说明 The smell of incense circles - museum interior design description 大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology 摘 要 设计灵感来自朱熹的《香界》——幽兴年来莫与同,滋兰聊欲洗光风;真成佛国香云界,不数淮山桂树丛。花气无边熏欲醉,灵芬一点静还通;何须楚客纫秋佩,坐卧经行向此中。 白净的场域,承载着丰满的“空”,犹如国画的留白,便是东方的包容空,让人平静,才能停下脚步,和自己对话。 意如竹简,探寻传统文化,记忆东方片段。 形似龙脉,容纳天地灵气,承载日月精华。 禅,是一种心境。嵌入山水,融入自然,觅一份超脱的性情。 禅,是一种回归。让干涸之心,重获生机;让疲惫之身,遁入自然之境。 禅,是一种追求。避开喧嚣,独居一隅,心游万仞,目极八方。 禅,是一种信念。引导着你寻找生活真谛,转化成生活中的智慧。 竹林小径,花木水石,纳天地灵气,宛自天意。一呼一吸,一吐一纳之间,感受自然的韵律。聆听自然,别成景致,浩悟禅意,雕琢合度。禅,就融在“放松而又随遇而安”的状态里。这些看似不经意的细节,充分构造出一个宁静的东方禅意空间。 关键词:禅;气味;文化空间 The Subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis) of DUT Abstract Quiet incense circles design inspiration comes from Zhu Xi Xing years Mo with the same, Zi LAN chat desire for washing the light wind; True Buddha fragrant cloudland, number of yam laurel grove. No flower gas while smoked drunk, Ling Fen a static is why Chu Ke Arendt; autumn Pei, through the line to the sitting. The fair field, carrying the fullness of the empty, like traditional Chinese painting of the blank is Oriental inclusive empty, let a person quiet, to stop, and their dialogue. As the bamboo slips, explore the traditional culture, the Oriental fragments of memory. The shape of the dragon, for the world of Reiki, bearing the essence of the sun. Zen is a state of mind. Embedded in the landscape, into nature, to find a detached temperament. Zen is a kind of regression. Let dry heart, back to life; let the tired body, into the natural environment. Zen is a pursuit of. To avoid the noise, living alone in a corner, you Maninsan heart, pole eight. Zen is a belief. Lead you to seek the true meaning of life, into the wisdom of life. The bamboo forest trails, flowers and water, into the world of Reiki, Wan since providence. A breath, vomit a, feel the natural rhythm. Dont listen to nature, into the landscape, Hao Wu Zen, Polish degree. Zen, melted in the relaxed state and reconcile oneself to ones situation. Th


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