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OC1 section 5 短单 On the morning of June13, 1998,a 4.6-billion-year-old extraterrestrial object streaked into Earth’s atmosphere and blew to pieces in the sky somewhere in the neighborhood of Nelda Wallace’s backyard. A dark basketball-size object dropped with a loud ssshhht into Wallace’s garden, and fragments pelted other propertiesonly the first of many strange things soon to occur in town. For meteorites are more than just stars of science –fiction movies. Scientists covet them, private dealers scoop them up for resale at spiraling prices, and professional searchers travel the world to hunt them down. Nelda Wallace’s town was about to be invaded by meteorite dealers, meteorite fans, meteorite poachers, and other alien life—forms. 全文翻译:在1998年6月13日的早晨,一个有46亿岁的外太空物体闯入了地球的大气层,然后在NW人的后院上方的天空中分解成了碎片。一个暗色的球形的物体伴随着嘘声落入了NW人的花园,碎片砸到了其他的财物上仅仅是许多发生在小镇上奇怪事情的开始。因为陨石不仅仅是科幻电影中的星星。科学家觊觎它们,私人商人将们收集起来然后再以高价重新卖出,专业的探寻者环游世界对它们穷追不舍。NW的小镇就将要被陨石商人,陨石迷,陨石偷猎者和其他外星形式的生命入侵。Extraterrestrial adj. 地球之外的 streak into 疾驰闯入 covet v.觊觎 dealers n. 商人 scoop sth up 用铲子取 spiraling adj. 急剧上升的 hunt down 对。。。。穷追到底,追捕到 poachers n. 偷猎者 题目:The sentence (“on the morning…Backyard”)is best characterized as(B) A ironic 挖苦的 B dramatic 戏剧性的 C comical 滑稽的 D nostalgic 怀旧的 E celebratory 庆祝的 7. The reference to the “alien life-forms” primarily serves to ( E) A hint at the dangers posed by some unexpected visitors 暗示一些意料之外的来客所带来的危险 B mock the public’s fascination with extraterrestrial beings 嘲笑公众对于地球外生命的迷恋 C indicate the dearth of reliable information about a subject 指出缺乏关于某一主题可靠地消息 D acknowledge a lack of familiarity with a scientific phenomenon 承认对于一种科学显现的不熟悉 E provide a humorous label for a certain kind of zealotry为一种类型的狂热者贴上一个幽默的标签。 解析:And 前后的词组在这种情况是可以互换位置的,从meteorite dealers, meteorite fans, meteorite poachers, 就可以推断出 other alien life—forms 也应当和它们类似,所以就选E。 短单 Apes raised by humans seem to pretend more frequently than do apes in the wild. Animal handles see behaviors they interpret as pretending practica


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