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By Edgar Allan Poe The Cask of Amontillado The Content A generally introduction to the text B division and analysis C the theme and style used D comment on the text The Summary The story is set in Italy. Had been injuried and insulted thousands of times by Fortunato, Montresor decided to secretly take revenge on him. Taking advantage of his vanity and arrogance, M successfully lured F to the wine cellar. On the way to the vault, F never realized the deadly revenge from M . Finally, F drunk and astonished to find himself locked onto the granite(花岗石). M vigorously wall up the entrance of the niche(硝石.)never caught since the murder. The murder,seemingly unrepentant (不后悔的)ends the story by saying “In pace requiescat (may he rest in peace).” Analysis of the text by parts P one: reasons and his strong desire to revenge. “Not only punish, but punish with impunity.’’ (我不仅要给他吃吃苦头,还要干得绝了后患 ) A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. (报仇的自己得到报应,这笔仇就没了清 ) P two: M encountered F and F promised to go to the vault ignorantly. Pretended to met him luckily Made as if he concerned for his health, refering to him as “friend” Flattered by M,arrogant F sticked to going to the wine cellar. P three: on the way to the vault and search for Amontillado. Hints of his crazy revenge : pretending to concern and flatter him,“your health is precious, rich, beloved.” “to your long life”,“Nemo me impune lacessit ”(谁也不能侮辱我而不受惩罚) environmental description,“the displacing of the bones”, “ interior crypt or recess(墓穴,或者壁龛 )”, “walls of solid granite”(花岗石) P four(the climax): they continued deeper to the combs, F was locked to the granite. M finally committed his horrible revenge.. “for a moment I hsitated, I trembled.” “ but the thought of an instant reassured me.” “felt satisfied


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