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基于半导体控温的冷热敷治疗仪控制系统设计 Temperature control based on semiconductor of cold fomentation therapy instrument control system design 学部(学院): 机械工程学院 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 摘 要 冷热敷治疗仪是一种集热敷和冷敷两种物理治疗方法于一体的医疗器械,在各大医院以及临床研究领域有广泛应用。但从目前国内大部分的冷热敷医用器械来看,往往存在着安全可靠性能差,温度控制不够精确,噪声大以及不环保等等缺点。针对这些种种缺点,本文在参考了国内外医用冷热敷设备的基础上,利用本科所学习的一些微机原理,数字传感器技术等等,提出了基于半导体制冷原理的医用冷热敷治疗仪的控制系统设计方案。 本系统是基于ST公司生产的STM32F103VET6单片机芯片的控制系统,可分为控制系统部分,负责制冷加热转换的升降温系统部分以及电源部分。控制系统中,采用的是触摸液晶屏实现人机交互,来获取用户所设定的目标温度,同时可以显示由温度传感器所测的实时温度;;升降温系统部分则利用温度传感器所传输的不同信号,使得STM32输出不同占空比的PWM脉冲从而控制半导体制冷模块对循环制冷液的加热或制冷来达到设定目标温度;电源部分则是外接220V市电,经过电压转换模块变成24V,其他各个部分不同的电源电压则是通过不同的电压转换变成相应所需要的电压,3.3V,±5V,12V等等。同时,本系统中大量采用了ADuM系列磁耦隔离芯片来实现输入信号、主控系统以及输出信号之间的隔离,从而提高了系统的安全性和可靠性。 关键词:冷热敷;STM32;半导体制冷 Temperature control based on semiconductor of cold fomentation therapy instrument control system design Abstract Cold fomentation therapy device is a set of hot and cold in one of two physical therapy medical device .Many hospitals and clinical research has wide application. Most of the domestic medical control blankets have poor security and reliability, low temperature accuracy, unfriendly interface and other shortcomings. To compensate for these shortcomings, this paper proposes a design of the medical control blanket control system on the basis of embedded technology, digital sensor technology, touch screen technology and intelligent control algorithm. This system is based on the ST companys STM32F103VET6 single chip control system.It can be divided into the part of the control,heating and cooling systems,and power supply section. In control system, using LCD touch screen human-computer interaction, to get the user the set target temperature. And it can display real-time temperature measured by the temperature sensor. Heating and cooling systems with different parts of the transmitted signal f



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