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102 這次旅行中,“往上走”把我們帶到了10的23次方的距離。 101 Now we are going to dig inside of the matter in an inverse trip... 101 現下,我們轉向另一個方向,去挖掘事物的內部... 1018 1017 1017 1016 1016 1015 1015 1014 1014 1013 1013 1012 1012 1011 1011 1010 1010 109 109 108 108 107 107 106 106 105 105 104 Questions that come to our minds ... Who are we? Where are we going? From where did we come from? 104 有一個問題跳進我們的大腦... 我們是誰?我們將去什麼地方?我們從何而來? 103 Or... What do we represent in the Universe? 103 或者...在宇宙中,我們代表什麼? 102 In this trip “upwards” we went to the power of 23 of 10 水星、金星、地球和木星的軌道 1012 1 0 億 km At this height of our trip, we could observe the Solar System and the orbits of the planets 1013 10 billons de km 從這個高度,我們能看到太陽系和行星營運的軌道 1013 100億 km 1014 100 Billons de km The Solar System starts looking small... 1014 1000 億 km 太陽系看起來變得有點小了... The Sun now is a small star in the middle of thousands of stars... 1015 1 trillón de km 此刻,太陽看起來就是眾多恆星中的一顆... 1015 1 萬億 km At one light-year the little Sun star is very small 1016 1 light-year 從1光年的距離看,太陽看起來很小了 1016 1 光年 Here we will see nothing in the infinity.... 1017 10 light-year 在這個無窮大的宇宙裡,我們什麼也看不到.... 1017 10 光年 “Nothing” Only stars and Nebulae... 1018 100 light-years “什麼也沒有” 看到的僅剩下恆星和星雲... 1018 100 光年 1019 1,000 light-years At this distance we started travelling the Via-Láctea (Milky Way), our galaxy. 1019 1,000 光年 從這個距離,我們開始在銀河和銀河系旅行了. We continued our travel inside the Via-Láctea. 1020 10,000 light-years 我們繼續在銀行系中遨游. 1020 10,000 光年 We started reaching the periphery of the Via-Láctea 1021 100,000 light-years 我們開始接觸銀河系的外圍了 1021 100,000 光年 At this tremendous distance we could see all the Via-Láctea other galáxies too... 1022 1 millión light-years 從這個遙遠的距離,我們不僅能看到銀行系,還能看到其他的星系了... 1022 1 百萬 光年 From this distance, all the galaxies look small with inmense empty spaces in between. The same laws are ruling in all bodies of the Universe. We could continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly 1023 - 10 million light-yea



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