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HKTDC - 8th World SME Expo Exploring Business Potentials in India Market Dec. 11, 2008 Jackson C.S. Cheong MBA, CEng, FICE, MHKIE Executive Director India General Information of India Total Area : 3.29 Million Sq. Km (China:3.17 Million Km ) Development of the BRIC Chindia Forecast of India GDP Growth Value of Construction Output in India Development of India Risks Difficulties in India ( not limited to the following) Conflicts arising from Castes Conflicts arising from religious disputes Extreme between Rich Poor Continuous financial deficit Labour problem Kashmir Dispute Protectionism In general:- Indian accepts their fate – peaceful India Business Opportunities India enterprises seeking to work with Hong Kong Chinese enterprises to explore business opportunities in India, China, Hong Kong and the world. Understand Differences and Risks Focus on Opportunities and Synergy Entry Options Liaison Office Project Office Branch Office Acquisition of Existing Company Joint Venture Wholly Owned Subsidiary Hyderabad International Airport PTB Main Scope:- EPC Contract incl. design, structure, E+M works, air-bridges, baggage handling system, IT System, etc Client: GMR-HIAL Contract Period: 30 months Contractor:- Hyderabad International Airport PTB Photos of MP1 Why China State Develop Business in India English speaking country Political stability Large construction volume and drastic growth Safe ( hopefully the present worry will go soon!) Efficient management by domestic entrepreneur A lot of familiar tradition (Asian culture) China State Vision for India We call for elimination of Protectionism in India We believes there is great development opportunities in India whilst we understand that there are associated risks We intend to have permanent commitment to meet with the sustainable growth of India We need to be innovative to enable us to seeking other investment opportunities in India Thank you for your kind attention ! * * * Independent – 15/8/1947 New cons


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