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The Contents.ppt

The Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. November 25, Chinas assistance to Macedonia school bus project handover ceremony was held in Malaysia Prime Ministers Office. Chinese Ambassador to Macedonia Mr Cui said that China is a developing country, although faced with many challenges, but has provided assistance within its capacity outside. China has successively provided to the Malaysian side of the school reconstruction, computer supplies and other aid projects, as Macedonia has contributed to economic and social development. November 25, and china support the macedonian school project handover ceremony in the chancellery. chinese ambassador to the choi 志伟 said that china is a developing country, and faces many challenges, but has been providing assistance to foreign power. the chinese side has to provide the schools rebuilt umagata, supplies of assistance projects, to macedonia made a contribution to economic and social development. look at our The death toll in a school bus accident that occurred on Wednesday morning in the northwest province of Gansu has risen to 20 following the death of one child later Wednesday. 16日(星期三)发生于甘肃省西北部的校车被撞事故的死亡名单目前已上升至20人。 The accident happened around 9:40 a.m. in Yulinzi township of Zhengning county, according to a statement from the bureau. The statement said five people died at the scene, including four children and their bus driver, while 15 others, their teacher included, were confirmed dead by the afternoon. 据悉,事故于当日(16日)早9时40分发生于甘肃省庆阳市正宁县榆林子镇。包括四名孩童和校车司机在内的5人当场死亡,其余15人于当日下午被证实死亡。 The statement said another 44 children were injured in the accident and have been hospitalized. Twelve of the injured are in a serious condition. 据报道,校车上的其余44名受伤的儿童已被送往医院接受治疗。其中12人伤势较重。 The truck was carrying coal, the statement said. 事故发生时肇事卡车正在运煤。 The bureau has blamed overloading for the accident, stating that the bus -- a van with nine seats -- was carrying 64 people. 据悉,事故与校车超载有关——只有9个座位的校车中当时共有乘客64名。 A house does not scan, how can you sweep the w


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