《英语》-a christmas eve flight-罗雪琴.ppt

《英语》-a christmas eve flight-罗雪琴.ppt

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《英语》-a christmas eve flight-罗雪琴.ppt

* * 罗 雪 琴 文登市职业中 等专业学校 Unit 4 Read and Write Task 2 A Christmas Eve Flight 一、Revision Have a dictation (Word Puzzle) 1、be slow or late 2、place in the body that is hurt 3、take air into the lungs and send it out again 4、keep away from 5、luckily 6、excellent delay injury breathe avoid fortunately perfect 二、Learn the new lesson The first reading Questions: 1、Was the plane flying to Australia? Yes. It was. 2、Whom were many of the passengers travelling home to spend Christmas? Their families. 3、Who successfully landed the plane? One of the passengers. Put the following sentences in The order of happening ( ) Nearly half the passengers became ill. ( )The man began to fly the plane. ( )The plane landed successfully. ( )The hostesses served dinner. 3 6 9 1 ( )The hostesses found the pilots were unconscious. ( )A hostess found two passengers were sick. ( )Air Traffic Control on the ground was connected. ( )The hostess found a man who used to be a pilot. ( )The plane circled in the air. 4 2 7 5 8 The second reading Choose important and difficult points 1.call for 邀请、要求、需要 ⑴Let’s go to the meeting together, and I will care for you . ⑵This invitation doesn’t call for an answer. ⑶Success in school calls for much hard work. 2. complain vi (of,about) 抱怨、叫屈、诉苦 ⑴ She complained of his carelessness. Complain+that+从句(vt) ⑵She complained that he didn’t work hard. 3. Prevent……from 阻止……做 ⑴Who prevented him from going? ⑵Illness prevented me from visiting my friend. 4、deal with 对付、应付、处理、安排 ⑴Deal with a man as he deals with you . 以其人之道,还治其人之身. ⑵The man is easy to deal with. 5、lead to 通向、导致 ⑴A mistake in first aid may lead to serious problems. ⑵The road leads to the foot of a mountain. 6、find out 找出、查明 ⑴They tried to find out if there’s a pilot on the plane. ⑵Please find out who made the mistake. 三、Practice Complete the following sente


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