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Module6, Book1 the Internet and Telecommunication 写作训练导学案 by Huang Daya 写作目标:能用英语更加准确、直接地阐述自己观点opinion观点 common普遍的 phenomenon现象 debate辩论 hot topic________ discussion讨论 survey________ likewise同样地 similarly相似地 while 然而 instead反而 advantage优点 benefit利益,好处 disadvantage缺点 according to根据 ’s more而且 in favor of赞同,支持 as an old saying goes 俗话说 in comparison 相比之下 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 On the contrary____________ as for 对于…,关于… worst of all最糟糕的是 in addition再者 aspect方面 therefore因此 would rather_________ in conclusion总之 in short简言之in a word________ as far as I am concerned在我看来 finally最后 at last_________ compared with与…相比 agree with______ opinions are mainly divided into two groups主要分为两大观点 others have different opinions______________ personally就个人而言 ◆句型背囊: 1. The topic of studying through the Internet is becoming more and more popular. 关于“whether middle school students can carry mobile phones” at the class meeting.今天,班会课上就“中学生是否要带手机上学”这一话题进行了激烈的讨论。 3. The students hold different opinions on this problem.对于这个问题学生们持不同的意见。 4.There are two sides of opinions about it.关于这个问题共有两面观点。 5. Some people believe that studying English with the help of the Internet is more advantageous. 首先,相信更有利。English or exchange ideas through the Internet. 其次,他们还认为通过因特网,我们可以用英语与朋友交流或者交换想法。 7. What’s more, we can learn about the subjects that we are interested in through the Internet. 而且,我们可以通过互联网学习我们感兴趣的科目。 8. While, every coin has two sides.然而,凡事都有其两面性。 9. Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. 一般说来,普遍认为有着以下的积极一面。 10. Firstly, it’s convenient for us to communicate with our friends.首先,它便于我们同亲友联系。 11. Secondly, we can surf the Internet to search for some information with the mobile pones. 其次,我们可以通过手机上网查资料。 12. Thirdly, we can play games, listen to music for a rest if we feel tired.其三,玩玩游戏听听音乐可以缓解疲劳。 13. Its disadvantages can be seen as follows.它的优点/缺点如下。 14. Firstly, spending too much time on the Internet is bad f


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