【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 The Tang Poems(人教版).docVIP

【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 The Tang Poems(人教版).doc

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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 The Tang Poems(人教版).doc

Module 6 The Tang Poems 一、单句填空 1.Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house   (reflect) his personality.? 2.It has been proved   eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.? 3.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living   (expensive).? 4.It is clear that the Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会)on CCTV hardly caters   the tastes of all age groups.? 5.The theory he had devoted ved perfectly right.? 6.(2012福建,25)—Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? —Well,you know,English is my   (strong).So it is my best choice.? 7.(2014吉林绥化九中第二次月考,37)Every man has his faults.We should,therefore,learn to be   (tolerate)of others. ? 8.(2014吉林长春外国语学校期中,23)It is   (type)of the students to stay up reading till late night before the final exam.? 9.(2014黑龙江双鸭山一中第二次月考,21)The word “tuhao” caught   attention of the dictionary’s editing team in the UK after   BBC’s recent program on influential Chinese words.? 10.(2014江西赣州12县期中联考,29)—Sorry for being late for the party. —   (come) earlier next time,will you?? 二、语法填空 (2015宁夏银川九中第一次月考) Mike:Have you read the evening paper today? Mary:Yes,I have read it. Mike:Is there anything 1 (importance)in the paper?? Mary:Yes.It is reported that the factory near our school was 2 fire last night.? Mike:Is that true?I can’t believe it. Mary:Yes,it’s true. Mike:How did 3 fire happen?? Mary:No one is quite sure about 4 caused the fire.It is still under 5 (investigate).? Mike:Tell me more about the fire. Mary:Well,the fire 6 (break)out in the middle of the night.A student in our school saw the fire and called the police at once.When the police arrived,the fire was too strong 7 (put)out. 8 took them two hours to keep the fire under control.? Mike:What loss did the fire cause? Mary:One person 9 (kill)in the fire and three other persons were 10 (bad)burnt.A lot of products were burnt out.? Mike:I’m sorry to h



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