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摘要在正文的第一部分,我从一名大二本科生的角度对实验原理进行了系统地重新表述,查阅资料补充了部分电学的必要知识(例如禁带宽度的定义),同时我还根据自己的理解写出了太阳能电池的基本原理和太阳能电池器件的等效电路。在正文的第二部分,本文详细介绍了操作需要用到的仪器并细致地描述了实验操作的各个流程。在正文的第三部分,本文重新进行了数据处理,并初步分析了实验误差,标注了实验注意事项以及对实验课后思考题做出了自己的回答。在正文的第四部分,也就是讨论部分,我做了大量的工作。先分析了影响太阳能电池转换效率的因素,然后提出了两种实验改进方法,接着提出了禁带宽度的测量方法,最后探索了实际P-N结与理想模型之间的差别以及对实验数据的影响。并且在第四部分的最后我还写了两年来自己学习物理实验的实验感想以及收获。关键词:太阳能电池 开路电压 短路电流 输出特性 AbstractIn the first part of the text, from the perspective of a sophomore undergraduate experimental principle rephrase supplemented with some electrical knowledge necessary (for example, the band gap of the definition), access to information, at the same time I also according to their understanding to write the equivalent circuit of the basic principles of solar cells and solar cell devices.In the second part of the text, this article details the operation requires the use of instruments and detailed description of the experimental operation of the various processes.In the third part of the text, re-processing, and a preliminary analysis of the experimental error, marked experimental Notes and Questions experimental after-school made ??its own answer.In the fourth part of the text, that is, the discussion section, I have done a lot of work. First analyze the factors affecting the conversion efficiency of the solar cell, and then the two experimental improved method, followed by the forbidden bandwidth of the measuring method, and the last explore the difference between the actual PN junction with the ideal model and the experimental data. And I also wrote in the fourth part of the last two years studying physics experiment experimental feelings and harvest.Key word: Solar cell Open-circuit voltage Short-circuit current Output Characteristics目录第一部分 实验原理的重新表述1一、实验要求1二、实验原理11.太阳能电池的分类12.P-N结13.禁带宽度24.太阳能电池的伏安特性曲线及相关特性参数25.太阳能电池的基本原理46.太阳能电池器件的等效电路4第二部分 实验内容及操作详细流程5三、仪器介绍5四、实验内容及操作详细流程71.硅太阳能电池的暗伏安特性测量72.开路电压,短路电流与光强关系测量73.太阳能电池输出特性实验84.注意事项8第三部分 数据的重新处理与深入思索9五、太阳能电池基本特性测量91.硅太阳能电池的暗伏安特性测量92.开路电压、短路电


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