CHINADAIL 中国日报晚报 8.20.doc

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CHINADAIL 中国日报晚报 8.20

CHINADAILY 早报 8.20 【Highlights】 New law bans kid endorsement 新广告法叫停萌娃代言 Worlds most livable city全球宜居榜北京进步大 Chinese spend more in UK国人7月在英刷卡达5亿 Divorce up among elderly 意大利现老年人离婚潮 3D films make you smarter研究:看3D电影变聪明 Now blast ashes to moon美殡葬馆送骨灰上月球 Vampire become online star尖牙小猫似吸血鬼(图) 【Top News】 New law bans kid endorsement新广告法叫停萌娃代言 Children who found fame in live shows and made a fortune byendorsing commercial products will have to halt their early career,as their ads will be banned after Sept 1 when the new advertisinglaw goes into effect. Under the new law, those under the age of 10cannot be used to promote products. However, according to datamonitored by Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce,nearly 60% of ads aired in China are inconsistent with the new lawconcerning celebrity endorsement, which will be the focus of futureregulation. 综艺节目火爆,带动越来越多的萌娃开始自己的广告明星路。但9月1日新广告法正式实施后,这些广告都将不能再播放,因为利用不满十周岁的未成年人作为广告代言人将违法。根据近期上海市工商局的广告预监测,目前近六成广告违法使用广告代言人作推荐,这也会成为未来的监管重点。(新华网) Worlds most livable city全球宜居榜北京进步大 In worlds livability ranking of 2015, Melbourne in Australiatakes the top spot for a fifth year running, with Vienna in Austriaand Vancouver in Canada completing the top three most livablecities. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, these citiesenjoy a good infrastructure, healthcare system and a low murderrate. Seven Chinese mainland cities improved their ranking over thelast 12 months. Beijing moved up five places to 69 in the globalranking. 经济学人智库近日发布了2015年全球宜居城市榜。凭借完善的基础设施和医疗体系,以及较低的谋杀案发生率,澳大利亚墨尔本连续第五年拔得头筹,奥地利维也纳和加拿大温哥华分列二、三位。在过去一年中,7座中国大陆城市的宜居水平都有所提高,其中北京在全球宜居榜上排名第69,前进了5位。(美国有线电视新闻网) Chinese spend more in UK国人7月在英刷卡达5亿 Chinese visiting the UK spent £50m on their credit cards inJuly, up 45% from a year earlier, according to Visa Europe. Thesurge in spending comes after efforts by the UK government to makeit easier for the Chinese to apply for visa. The extra money spentby the Chinese went on eating out, trips to the s


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