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中国留学生特刊 [她的夜晚] It is 11:30 pm, a Monday night like all others. Jenny Gu looks through her crammed timetable for Tuesday and Wednesday, before tidying up her lecture notes, shutting down her laptop and going to bed in her rental apartment. 时钟指向深夜11时30分,对珍妮·顾(音译)而言,这个星期一的夜晚和往常没什么区别。照例,她呆在自己租住的公寓里。睡觉前,珍妮不忘仔细查看自己周二和周三排得满满的日程。随后,她收起课堂笔记,并关上了笔记本电脑。 Checking her schedule has become a habit after the awful clash of her class with her part-time KFC job. She chose to skip class for the 1st time since coming to Auckland, New Zealand, more than 11 months earlier from China. 珍妮在肯德基做兼职时,有过一次与上课时间撞车的经历。她最终选择为了兼职而逃课——那是她从中国来到新西兰奥克兰市11个月后的第一次逃课。从那以后,珍妮养成了每天查看日程表的习惯。 [他们的群体] This is typical of the lives of Chinese overseas students, whose population was nearly 340,000 in 2011, according to the Ministry of Education. 2.245m Chinese went abroad to study from 1978 to the end of 2011. China has now become the largest source country of overseas students in the world. There are still a growing number of Chinese students getting ready for their foreign studies. 这就是中国留学生在海外的典型生活写照。据教育部统计,2011年度我国出国留学人员总数近34万人。从1978年到2011年底,出国留学生累计人数达224.5万。中国已成为世界上最大的留学生输出国,同时仍有越来越多的中国学生准备到国外深造。 [光鲜的背面] So it might seem very simple: you go to a foreign country and everything is wonderful, people are nice, you study hard, you go to parties, your home is beautiful and so on… No. Studying abroad is not always so nice. 貌似一切看起来都水到渠成:来到陌生国度,接受崭新的一切,认识外国友人,努力学习,参加聚会,住漂亮的房子……其实不然。在外求学并不总是这么美好。 [他的独白] Just loneliness, replied Yan Mo, a postgraduate who had been in the University of British Columbia for 2 years, when asked about his feelings there. You do not know what to do after classes, he added. It is a totally strange world apart from there being a few other Chinese students around. It makes him feel nothing but solitary for long periods at a time. 严默在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学读研究生2年多了,说起留学的最大感受,他用了2个字形容:孤寂。他说,平常除了上课学习,就不知道该干什么。除了几个认识的中国同学,此外基本上是真空世界。久而久之,难以排遣的寂寞让他变得很孤僻。 [他们在同伴眼中] Language is the big


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