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Lecture 3:Yield Vertics of Single Crystal 1 Definition of Y.S. 1 Definition of Y.S. 1 Definition of Y.S. 1 Definition of Y.S. 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal For arbitrary deformation: only five independent variables are included. 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal 2 Y.S. of Single Crystal * Theory Physical Based Plastic Deformation Jianguo Tang jgtang@mail.csu.edu.cn Xinming Zhang xmzgang@mail.csu.edu.cn A Yield Surface is a map in stress space, in which an inner envelope is drawn to demarcate non-yielded regions from yielded (flowing) regions. The most important feature of single crystal yield surfaces is that crystallographic slip (single system) defines a straight line in stress space and that the straining direction is perpendicular (normal) to that line. One can define a plastic potential, F, whose differential with respect to the stress deviator provides the strain rate. By definition, the strain rate is normal to the iso-potential surface. Provided that the critical resolved shear stress (also in the sense of the rate-sensitive reference stress) is not dependent on the current stress state, then the plastic potential and the yield surface (defined by tcrss) are equivalent. If the yield depends on the hydrostatic stress, for example, then the two may not correspond exactly. The best way to learn about yield surfaces is think of them as a graphical construction. A yield surface is boundary between elastic and plastic flow. s=0 s elastic plastic Example: tensile stress s= syield Graphical representations of yield surfaces are generally simplified to the envelope of the demarcation line between elastic and plastic. Thus it appears as a polygonal or curved object that is closed and convex (hence the term convex hull is applied). elastic plastic s= syie
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