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Lecturer: Li Lin Spleen meridian of Foot-taiyin Spleen Meridian of Foot-taiyin Starting place: The tip of the big toe Pertaining organ: Spleen Connecting organ: Stomach Terminating place: lateral side of the chest Spleen meridian of foot-taiyin (一)经脉循行 体表:起于足大趾内侧端,沿足内侧、小腿内侧胫骨后缘上行,在内踝上8寸交到足厥阴肝经之前,上行于小腿及大腿内侧前缘,经腹部(前正中线旁开4寸)和胸部(前正中线旁开6寸)上行,止于腋下第六肋间。 体内:属脾,络胃,挟咽,连舌本,散舌下。支脉从胃上膈,注心中,与手少阴心经相接。 联系的脏腑器官有:脾、胃、心、咽、舌。 Points on the channel of Foot-Taiyin Summary of indications Diseases of spleen and stomach; Gynecological disorders, external genital problems Conditions along the pathway of the channel Epigastric pain, abdominal distension, jaundice, heaviness, etc. Yinbai(SP 1) 隐白 【Location】 on the medial aspect of the big toe, about 0.1cun posterior to the corner of the nail 【Indications】 1.Uterine bleeding, menorrhea, blood in the stool, blood in the urine; 2. abdominal distention, diarrhea; 3. psychosis, profuse dreaming, convulsions 【needling method】 puncture superficially 0.1cun, or use moxibustion Gongsun(SP 4)公孙 八脉交会穴通冲脉 【Location】 on the anterior border of the base of the 1st metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin. 【Indications】 1.Stomach pain, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery; 2. Epigastric pain, oppression in the chest 【needling method】 Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0cun 公孙(SP4) 操作:直刺0.5~1寸。 功效主治: 健脾和胃——胃痛,呕吐,腹痛、胀,泄泻,痢疾等; 理血宁心——心痛、烦,失眠,月经病,贫血等; 其他主治——足痛、肿、麻、痿,发狂、妄言等。 腧穴配伍: 本穴可透刺涌泉,增加刺激量,适用于急性胃痛、呕吐等。 配灸神阙、关元、三角灸。 慢性泄泻、痢疾:天枢、大恒、上巨虚; 饮食停滞:足三里、中脘、解溪;呃逆:内关; 上消化道出血:足三里、内关;心胸胃疾患:内关; 泛酸:内关、梁丘;痛经:血海;足下垂:照海等。 本穴为治疗胃肠腹病常用穴——《千金》“公孙主腹胀食不化,主肠鸣”; 《标幽赋》“脾冷胃痛,泻公孙立愈”;《甲乙经》“霍乱,公孙主之”。 Sanyinjiao (SP 6) 三阴交 (足太阴、少阴、厥阴经交会穴) 【Location】 3 cun above the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia. 【功效】健脾和胃,补益肝肾,调经止带。 【主治】1.脾胃疾患:肠鸣腹胀,泄泻,饮食不化。 2.妇产科疾患:月经不调,带下病,经闭,崩漏,产后血晕,恶露不行,痛经。 3.生育、小溲疾患:遗精,阳痿,不孕,难产,滞产,疝气,小便不利,遗尿,