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Module 4 Fine Arts — Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Introduction 1. delightful adj. 令人愉快的;可爱的 We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. delight vt. 使高兴 n. 欣喜;喜悦 to ones delight 令人高兴的是 To my delight, I have passed the exam. delighted adj. 愉快的;高兴的 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事 I am delighted to go shopping with my friends on weekends. be delighted at / with 对某事感到高兴 She was delighted at/with the good news. 他唱了一首欢快的歌曲,感觉很高兴。 He sang a _____________ song and felt _____________ . 令我高兴的是,我通过了这次考试。 __________________ , I passed the exam. 2. Say which one you prefer. prefer v. 更喜欢 preference n. 偏爱 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 比起做。。。更喜欢做。。。 I prefer to go to the movies rather than stay at home. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 比起做。。。更喜欢做。。。 I prefer going to the movies to staying at home. prefer sth. to sth. 喜欢。。。胜过。。。 I prefer jazz to rock music. 题:The visiting professor____ giving lectures to students _____ invited to meetings at times. A. preferred; to being B. preferred to; rather than C. preferred; than being D. preferred to; to being Reading and vocabulary 3. alive, live,lively与living辨析 alive “活着的”,通常做后置定语;表语 No man alive is greater than he. She must be still alive. live “活着的”, 通常做前置定语;“现场直播的” a live fish ; a live TV program lively“活泼的,充满生气的” Jenny is a lively girl. living “活着, 尚在人间” “生物” all living things make/earn a living 谋生 make/earn one’s living 谋生 He works hard to make a living. 题:I watched a _______TV program. There was a boy liking all_____ things. He kept a _____ fish in a small jar. He decided to free it and keep the fish ____ in the river. --What a pity! I’ve not got a ticket for the football match. --Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast____. A. live B. lively C. alive D. living 4. observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝 We observed that it had turned cloudy. We should observe traffic rules. She will observe her birthday on Sunday. observe a rule 遵守规则 He always observes a rule strictly. observe sb. do sth.看见


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