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设 计 部 工 作 单 下单人 王亚楠 下单日期(天/时) 2014年9月12日12:00 品牌组 东风标致 请完成时间(天/时) 2013年9月12日17:30 工作项目 礼品卡:送给法国客户,用以介绍礼品(应县木塔) 一、设计背景: 1.卡片内容: 应县木塔,全称佛宫寺释迦塔位于山西省朔州市应县城西北佛宫寺内,建于辽清宁二年(公元1056年),是中国现存最高最古的一座木构塔式建筑。为全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级景点。与意大利比萨斜塔、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔并称“世界三大奇塔”。释迦塔塔高67.31米,底层直径30.27米,呈平面八角形。全塔耗材红松木料3000立方米,2600多吨,纯木结构、无钉无铆。塔内供奉着两颗释迦牟尼佛牙舍利。释迦塔的设计,大胆继承了汉、唐以来富有民族特点的重楼形式,充分利用传统建筑技巧,广泛采用斗拱结构,全塔共用斗拱54种,每个斗拱都有一定的组合形式,有的将梁、坊、柱结成一个整体,每层都形成了一个八边形中空结构层。Ying Yinxian Wood Towers full name is Buddhist Temple Buddha Tower, located in the northwest county of Shanxi Shuozhou Buddhist Temple, Referred to Buddha tower, commonly known as Yingxian Wood Tower. Built in the Liao Qingning years AD 1056 , is Chinas most ancient extant highest tower of a timber-framed building. As a national key cultural relics protection units, the national AAAA level scenic spots. Yingxian Wood Tower is as famous as Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This tower high 67.31 meters, 30.27 meters in diameter bottom, planar octagonal. Korean pine timber full tower supplies 3000 cubic meters, more than 2600 tons of pure wood structure, no nails without riveting. Tower houses the two Buddha tooth relic. Release Jiata design, bold inherited the Han, rich ethnic characteristics in the form of re-building since the Tang Dynasty, the full use of traditional construction techniques, extensive use of brackets structure, the whole tower sharing brackets 54 kinds, each has a certain combination of brackets, there of the beam, Square, columns form a whole, each have formed an octagonal hollow structural layer. 二、设计要求: 卡片尺寸比中秋礼品卡片稍大就行,一面放中文介绍,一面放英文介绍。 辛苦了,小伙伴! 下单前请 注明报版、物料的尺寸和规格,如需改动请直接找接单人更改即可。 接单人签字 设计主管签字


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