6 写作2.doc

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6 写作2

写作突破 二 ——图画类 图画类基础写作是以图画和文字相结合的方式呈现内容要点的,难度在于图画是形象语言,要转化为逻辑语言,考生需要仔细观察。虽然写作内容中的文字提示部分已经明确了要表达的内容要点,但比较笼统,要结合图画中的内容进一步细化,甚至补充内容要点,确定信息的主与次;同时还要注意语句之间的衔接和句式的多样化。因此,写作时要做到: 1仔细观察图画,弄清画面的含义,抓住画面的主体; 2根据画面内容,进行合理想像,使画面“动”起来,从而形成一个完整的小故事; 3认真安排内容,布局谋篇,要做到言之有序,抓住重点,突出中心,要叙述连贯,描写生动。 原题再现   请看下面的漫画,联系实际生活,以“Saving Water”为题写一篇短文,词数10~150。 写作模板 学生习作   As can be seen in the picture,图画内容.The picture tells us图片的大致意思. The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. To begin with,揭示涵义/原因/结果1.Second,揭示涵义/原因/结果2. In my opinion/As for me, we should take strong measures to deal with the problem. First, we should具体措施1. Second, we must 具体措施2. Only in this way can we solve the problem of 图画内容. As can be seen/As is described/As is shown in the picture, the drinking water is running without anyone using it. The picture tells us now many people pay no attention to saving water. The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. To begin with, water is the source of life, without which there could be no life on the earth. Second, there is very limited available water resources on our planet, and excessive using of water can make the situation from bad to worse. And this social problem should arise the great concern of all in the world. In my opinion/As for me, we should take strong measures to deal with the problem. First, we should make all the people know the importance of water and the fact that water resources are limited. Second, we must pass some laws to punish those who waste water. Only in this way can we solve the problem of water-wasting. 名师点评   本文采取三段论的方式:叙述图画,分析图画,提出建议,叙述简明扼要,分析切中要点,建议切实可行。文中用了to begin with,second;first, second;in my opinion等衔接语,使得文章非常连贯。此外,文章最后用了倒装结构,属较高级的句型,增添了文章的色彩。 仿写训练 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信询问你们的学习情况。请你根据下图提供的信息,写一封回信,谈谈自从你校学生开始尝试一种新的学习方法以来,你们学习情况的变化。 注意:词数120~150。 Dear Tom, It was great to hear from you again.________________________________________ _________________________________________


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