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  美国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(Southwest Texas State University)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GRE VOCABULARY aberration anomaly, deviation from standard, irregularity, atypical abrogate do away with abstemious sparing, moderate (in eating, drinking) abstruse (recondite) concealed, deep, difficult to comprehend accolade award, honor, high praise accretion accumulation, enlargement, growth adroitly skillfully adulate admire excessively/slavishly, flatter alacrity eagerness, readiness alias assumed allocate distribute, designate allusion indirect reference to something else, hint (in literature) ameliorate improve amenable agreeable arbiter one who arbitrates/decides, judge ardor fervor, enthusiasm assuage lessen the intensity of something audacious bold, fearless audacity (impertinence) boldness, reckless daring auspicious (propitious) prosperous, favorable aver prove truth of, state it is true badger harass/annoy continuously, bait baleful hurtful, malignant, sorrowful beget bringsintosbeing, cause to exist bereave deprive, leave desolate (through death) brazenly boldly brook tolerate burnish polish cacophony harsh sounding mixture of sounds cajole deceptively persuade someone to do something he/she declines to candid (candor) free from prejudice/bias/malice, honest, fair capricious unpredictable, momentarily changeable chary cautious circumlocution indirect expression, use of wordy/evasive language coda distinct passage concluding a composition cogent powerful cognizant perceptive, observant compliant yielding, submissive composure ease conciliatory peace making conjoin join together conjure summon, bringsintosbeing as if by magic connoisseur expert (in art, taste) consensus unanimity, near unanimity, complete accord in opinion contentious argumentative conundrum puzzle, riddle corroborate confirm, back up with evidence cower shrink debacle violent,


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