
爱尔兰 since 1990.ppt

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爱尔兰 since 1990

Ireland Since 1990 On December 3,1990,Mary Robinson was inaugurated as the first female President of Ireland People regard as the most popular President in Ireland to date 玛丽.罗宾逊 Downing Street Declaration In 1993,irish prime minister Albert Reynolds and British prime Minister john major sign the Downing street declaration. This declaration was an agreement between Ireland and Britain to enforce a ceasefire. 1993,爱尔兰总理艾伯特雷诺兹和英国首相约翰梅杰签署唐宁街宣言。这项声明是爱尔兰和英国达成停火协议的一项协议。 认同被压抑 政府的政策 精英的诉求 结构不公平 and A Republican paramilitary organization was founded in 1996 共和党的准军事组织成立于1996年 Consequently In1994,Irish republican army announced ceasefire. In 1996,the IRA resumed its terrorist activities because it strongly opposed the British demands for complete disarmament. 1994年,爱尔兰共和军宣布停火。1996,爱尔兰共和军继续其恐怖活动因为它强烈反对英国要求彻底裁军。 The second ceasefire In 1997,Tony Blair become prime minister of Britain ,the British government revoked its demand for complete IRA disarmament, the IRA announced ceasefire again. At the same year ,Mary Robinson resigned. 1997,布莱尔成为英国首相,英国政府撤销对完整的爱尔兰共和军裁军的要求,爱尔兰共和军再次宣布停火。同年,鲁滨孙玛丽辞职。 The good Friday agreement The Belfast agreement (also known as the good Friday agreement and ,more rarely, as the stormont agreement )was a major politial development in the Northern Ireland peace process. It was signed in British on April 1998. It on May 23, 1998 by the Northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland of voters in separate referendum confirmation. Agreement on dec 2, 1999 implementation In 1999,irsih and British officials agreed to set up the North-South Ministerial Council under the Belfast Agreement. Another question coming Though much progress had been made in the relations between the republic of Ireland and Britain, the issue of IRA disarmament still remained unresolved and continued to undermine the process. 虽然在爱尔兰和英国的共和国之间的关系已有大的进步,爱尔兰共和军裁军问题仍未得到解决。 Irish republican socialist President Michael bad rhyming (right) announced that the Irish national liberation arm


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