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一屋不扫何以扫天下叙事作文 The picture shows us a dialogue between a father and a son. The son told his father, “Dad, I’m a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste”. While his father told him, “If you can empty the dustbin here you can do anything”. It reveals the importance of doing small things well before undertaking something big. There is also an old Chinese saying to go with this that a person can?t sweep the world before he can sweep his own room. I agree on the point that it is of great importance for a person to do small things well before undertaking something big. First of all, doing small things well entail the qualities that needed in doing great things such as patience and ability of controlling time. For example, when we sweep our room, we need to manage our time and energy reasonably. Accordingly, if we sweep a bigger room, for example, a classroom with our classmates, we should learn how to cooperate and allot assignments as well. And a big advantage is that we can draw useful lessons from the failure of performing well because they didn?t cost a lot. In another word, though these things seem trivial, they reinforce our manipulative ability and thus our understanding to the world. Therefore, we should not ignore the small things. 篇二:一屋不扫何以扫天下出自何典故 一屋不扫何以扫天下出自何典故? 东汉时有一少年名叫陈蕃,自命不凡,一心只想干大事业。一天,其友薛勤来访,见他独居的院内龌龊不堪,便对他说:“孺子何不洒扫以待宾客?”他答道“大丈夫处世,当扫天下,安事一屋?”薛勤当即反问道:“一屋不扫,何以扫天下?”陈蕃无言以对。 陈蕃欲“扫天下”的胸怀固然不错,但错的是他没有意识到“扫天下”正是从“扫一屋”开始的,“扫天下”包含了”扫一屋”,而不“扫一屋”是断然不能实现“扫天下”的理想的。 ——老子云“合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下。” ——荀况《劝学篇》里说“故不积跬步,无以至千里,不积小流,无以成江海。” ——前苏联革命导师列宁也说过“人要成就一件大事,就得从小事做起。” 以上这些至理名言,都充分体现了“扫天下”与“扫一屋”的哲学关系,说明了任何大事都是由小事积累而成的道理。“莫以善小而不为”,“善”再小,也只有积善才能成德。雷锋同志就是从“扫一屋”做 起的最好的典范,在平凡的岗位上,默默奉献,做好身边每一件力所能及的小事。 (一) 古人有句话:一屋不扫何以扫天下?这是什么意思,我把它简单的理解为五个字:从小事做起! 我们虽然都是学生。来到了学校,就应该有学生的样子,可我们有些同学就是眼高手低,大事干不了小事又懒的去做。 看一看我们周围的环境,校道旁有随手乱扔的垃圾,教学楼雪白的墙壁上有钢笔留下的字迹,事故停电后的乱吼乱叫声,等等。这些不文明的现象,这些不文明的作风,都不应该是我们学生的所作所为。这是大事吗?不,这不是大事,这只不过是些芝麻绿豆的小事嘛,可为什么这些琐碎的事儿屡禁不止呢?难道是因为这都是些小事儿?难道是因为我们都是


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