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Vocabulary and grammar1. The electric fan (电风扇)does not work because of the _______ of service. A. pause B. break C. interruption (中断) D. breakdown (击穿) 2. Betty advised me to label our luggage(行李) carefully in case it gets _______ in transit. A. misused B. mishandled C. mistakenD. mislaid (遗忘) 3. _______ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy. A. Concerning (有关) B. As to (作为) C. In terms of (从) D. in the light of (根据) 4. George was introduced to(被介绍) _______ activities at a young age, when she was hire(聘用) to act as a lookout (望风)for drug dealers.(毒贩) A. illegal (非法) B. lawful (合法) C. faithful (忠实)D. peaceful(和平)5. Peoples status (地位)in society is frequently _______ by how much they own. A. measure(测量) B. examined C. tested D. questioned (质疑) 6. Jack is so _______ to his appearance (外貌)that he never has his clothes pressed.(按下) A. adverse B. anonymous(匿名) C. indifferent (冷漠) D. casual (休闲) 7. There is an increasing (增加)_______ to make movies describing violence(暴力描述). A. strength (强度) B. direction (方向) C. tradition D. trend (趋势) 8. Operations which left patients _______ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted 疲惫() B. unhealthy C. upset 破坏D. fearful 9. Old as the machine机器 is, it is in _______ good order. A. reasonable合理 B. rationally 合理 C. probably 可能 D. occasionally偶尔 10. His actions do not _______ to his words. A. respond 反应 B. consist (with) 包括 C. correspond 协调 D. accord (with) 协议11. There is a shift in _______ from a womans view to mans view. A. prospective预期B. prospectus招股说明书 C. prosperous繁荣D. perspective观点12. I _______ on a book with him. He helped me a lot with collecting materials.资料 A. cooperateB. operate C. collate D. collaborate 合作13. She is the _______ survivor of the air crash.空难幸存者 A. alone B. unique C. single D. sole 唯一14. Both Bach and Beethoven wrote _______ music. A. classical B. classic C. class D. classics


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