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一、完形填空 共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) There was one true shark story that Jack could never forget. It happened during the Second World War. A British1 , called the Nova Scotia, was going from the Red Sea to Durban in South Africa. It was 2 more than a thousand South African soldiers and Italian prisoners of war. There was no, 3 warship, because the danger of enemy attack seemed 4 . It was a long way from Europe. However,a German submarine had 5 the Indian Ocean. It was waiting outside Durban when the Nova Scotia appeared. The submarine sent the Nova Scotia to the 6 of the sea. Many men were 7 at once. Many others were badly hurt. and they died after a few minutes. But hundreds were 8 . They were not greatly 9 . The sea was 10 and warm. They thought: A ship will find us in the morning. We’ll soon be saved. A ship did find them, but it saved only 183 men. The 11 had taken the rest. Thirty - five years later, Jack spoke to one of these men. I was on a raft 筏子 , the man said. There. were men all me in the water. They were swimming, or 12 on to pieces of wood. Suddenly I heard a 13 . It came from a man who was a few hundred meters away from me, He threw his arms in the air. Then he disappeared below the water. He never came up again, That was the 14 . The sharks had 15 the blood of the dead and the dying men. There seemed to be hundreds of them. Man after man gave a terrible shout and then disappeared. I even saw sharks attack men on the rafts.They jumped fight out of the water. 1. A. officer B. official C. ship D. boat 2. A. controlling B. organizing C. carrying D. containing 3. A. protecting B. fighting C. guarding D. preventing 4. A. limited B. small C. unable D. little 5. A, arrived B. got C. been D. reached 6. A. bottom B. depth C. water D. surface 7. A. killed B. murdered C. gone D. wounded 8. A. awaken B. suffering C. alive D. floating 9. A. disappointing B. Anxious C. worried D. eager 10. A. still B. calm C. quiet D. smooth 11. A. sharks



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