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A Practical Translation Course for College Students Translation before class There was a man who had worked at a factory for twenty years. Every night when he left the plant, he would push a wheelbarrow full of straw to the guard at the gate. The guard would look through the straw, and find nothing and pass the man through. On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow. Having become friends over the years, the guard asked him, Charlie, Ive seen you walk out of here every night for twenty years. I know youve been stealing something. Now that youre retired, tell me what it is. Its driving me crazy. Charlie simply smiled and replied, Okay, wheelbarrows! 教学内容 第一章 引论 1.1 翻译的概念及其重要性 1.2 翻译的基本标准 1.3 译者的基本素质 第二章 翻译的基础知识与技巧 2.1 词汇的理解 2.1.1 理解专业知识和文化背景知识 课堂练习 课后作业 第一章: 引论 1.1 翻译的概念及其重要性 1.2 翻译的基本标准 1.3 译者的基本素质 1.1 翻译的概念及重要性 Scope of translation In terms of language Native languages into foreign languages Foreign languages into native languages In terms of the mode Oral interpretation Written translation Machine translation In terms of materials Scientific materials Translation of literary works Translation of political essays Business Translation Translation of practical writing In terms of disposal full-text translation abridged translation adapted translation 1.2 翻译的基本标准 国内: 严复(1853-1921):信、达、雅 Triple Principle of Translation ⊙信:(faithfulness)忠实于原文/忠实准确 ⊙达:(expressiveness)文笔流畅/通顺流畅 ⊙雅:(elegance)文风典雅/文字古雅(士大夫) --保持原文的风格 鲁迅:“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易 解,一则保存原作的风姿……”。 傅雷:传神论/神似说 Transference of soul or spirit “以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不 在形似而在神似。” 钱钟书:化境说 sublimed adaptation 文学翻译的最高标准是‘化’。所谓“化境”,就是原作向译文的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本地化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。 国外 英国 泰特勒 Tytler --《论翻译的原则》 翻译中的三项基本原则: 一、译文应完全复写出原作的思想 (相当于“信”) 二、译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同 (相当于“雅”) 三、译文应和原作同


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