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在逆境中成长英语作文 What doesnt kill you actually makes you stronger? 意译:挫折是你变得更强大!逆境铸就辉煌。 我赞成! 人在一生中难免会有磕磕碰碰,而正是这些磕碰使得我们慢慢成长。苦难更能够考验一个人的人格与魅力。在苦难来临时,乐观的人会选择积极面对,悲观的人选择怨天尤人。苦难能够磨练一个人的意志,提高一个人的能力。我们在做一件事的时候,也许会碰到困难与阻力,当做好这件事之后,无意之间收获了一份经验和解决这类事情的能力。 现实生活中有许多这样的例子。总体而言,人生不如意十有八九,关键是不要知难而退。苦难不是用来打倒我们,而是我们成长的营养品。 I think so. People in life ,it is inevitable that there will be bumps, and it is these bump that makes us grow.Misery can test ones personality and charm.In hardship, optimistic people will choose to face actively, pessimistic people choose to blame everyone and everything but not oneself.Suffering can temper ones will and improve the ability of a person.When we do one thing at a time,we may encounter difficulties and resistance.While when we have this thing done well, inadvertently we reaped a experience and the ability to solve this kind of thing.In real life,there are many such examples. quit. In a word ,suffering is not used to knock us down, but the necessary nutrition for our growth. 往往,那些曾经经历过挫折的人在面对生活的不如意时更豁达与自然,因为他们坚信他们有能力去解决它。人生不如意十有八九,关键是不要知难而退。苦难不是用来打到我们,而是我们成长的营养品 As we all know ,it is inevitable that there will be bump in our life .whether one has already stepped into the society life or still studied at school, he or she more or less go through adversity from different aspects of their life. The workers need to work harder to earn his life and his family. The students need to study harder and learn more skills to keep up with the development of society. Other people of different occupations have other things to worry about. In a word, pressures are here and there in our life. Often, those who have experienced the frustration are more open-minded and natural in the face of lifes disappointments one again, because they believe that they have the ability to solve it. Life is full of Nive out of ten,the key is not to quit. Suffering is not used to hit us, but our growth nutrients 篇二:议论文:我在逆境中成长 高二议论文:我在逆境中成长 没有风吹雨打,哪会有秋实的成熟;没有刺骨的寒风,哪会有松柏的坚韧。在逆境


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