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Unit 3 单词及讲解 1. mine pron. 我的 名词性物主代词,单独使用 =形容词性物主代词+名词 my classroom – mine mine ours yours his hers its theirs 2. nothing pron. 没有什么 =not anything There is nothing in the fridge. =There isn’t anything in the fridge. nothing difficult 没什么难的事(形容词后置) 3. wait a minute 等一会儿 =just a minute 4. yuan n. 元 (不加s) ten yuan 十元 区别 ten dollars 十美元 5. tin n. 罐,听 tins a tin of dog food 一罐狗食 How many tins of dog food …? 6. pizza n. 比萨饼 pizzas order a pizza 点一个披萨 share the pizza with you 7. exchange student n. 交流学生 the exchange students from the UK a group of exchange students 8. quiet adj. 安静的,寂静的 a quiet town 一个安静的城镇 keep quiet 保持安静 拼写区别quite “相当,十分” quite expensive / big / quiet … 9. air n. 空气,大气 不可数 in the air 在天空中 by air = by plane 乘飞机 10. fresh adj. 新鲜的 fresh air 新鲜的空气 The vegetables are fresh. 11. local adj. 本地的,当地的 local people 本地人 local cinema 当地的电影院 12. jogging n. 慢跑锻炼 like jogging in the park 喜欢在公园里慢跑 go jogging 去慢跑 13. underground n. 地铁 by underground 乘地铁 =take the underground 14. famous adj. 出名的,著名的 a famous place 一个有名的地方 Beijing Duck is very famous. be famous for … 以…而出名 Wuxi is famous for the Tai Lake. 15. Western adj. 西方的 West 西方,西面 in the West a Western restaurant 一家西餐厅 Western people 西方人 16. opera n. 歌剧,戏剧 operas Beijing Opera 京剧 watch the opera show观看戏剧表演 enjoy Beijing Opera 欣赏京剧 17. miss v.错过,失去 misses Don’t miss the opera show.不要错过这次戏剧表演。 miss the early bus 错过早班车 miss my wallet 丢失了我的钱包 18. forward adv. 向前,前进 move forward 向前移动 look forward to sth./ doing sth. 盼望,期待某事/做某事 look forward to your letter 盼望你的来信 look forward to seeing you 盼望见到你 19. soon adv. 很快,不久(用于一般将来时) He will get home soon. 他马上到家了。 We are looking forward to meeting you soon.我们盼望即将与你会面。 20. postcard n.明信片 postcards send a postcard to sb. 寄明信片给某人 write a postcard to sb.写明信片给某人 21. key n. 钥匙 keys the key to the door / bike …门的钥匙/自行车的钥匙(注意不用of) the answer


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