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Milkshape工作区设置 As with most 3D modelling packages, Milkshape has several ways of viewing your model in progress. 与大多数三维建模软件包,Milkshape有进步的几个方面看你的模型。 It is possible not only to customise each viewport by setting its point of view and its render state, but also the size of the viewport. 它不仅可以自定义查看每个视口设置点它的,它的渲染状态,但也视口的大小。 Arrange your screen as you feel you work best. 安排你的屏幕上,你觉得你是最好的。 Select Windows/Viewports and then the setup that you prefer: 选择Windows /视口,然后安装程序,你喜欢: 3 Window (2 Left, 1 Right) 3窗口(2左1右) 3 Window (1 Left, 2 Right) 3窗口(1左,右侧2) 4 Window 4窗口 It is also possible to have the editing tabs column on the left or right.它也有可能有修改标签上的左或右列。 When the program starts up, they are on the right as a default.当程序启动时,他们都在为默认的权利。 If you select Window/Control Panel/Left, then it will switch sides.如果您选择窗口/控制面板/左,那么它会改变左右。 Naturally selecting Window/Control Panel/Right will switch it back again:自然选择Window /控制面板/权将再次转回来: The text window at the bottom of the screen is also optional.在屏幕底部的文本窗口,也是可选的。 Select Window/Show Message Window to deactivate it and again to re-activate it.选择窗口/显示消息窗口关闭,并再次重新启动它。 Finally, it is possible to activate Window captions that have coordinate dialogues and a drop-down menu for each viewport allowing you to quite quickly change the viewpoint of the port.最后,它可以激活窗口标题有协调的对话,并为每个允许你很快改变了港口的角度视下拉菜单。 Select Window/Show Viewport Caption选择窗口/显示视窗标题 Your viewports will now look like this: With the boxes at the top.您的视口会是这个样子:在顶部的框。 Once you have set up your desired layout, you can then customise individual viewports.一旦您已设置您想要的布局,您可以定制个人视口。 It is possible to switch between viepoints in the viewports.它可以切换之间viepoints在视口中。 If you have the Viewport caption activated then simply click the drop-arrow on the menu in the top-left corner of the viewport:如果你有在视窗标题激活然后只需点击下拉论视口的左上角菜单箭头: By selecting any of the viewpoints in the list, your viewport will change to that viewpoint.通过选择列表中的任何观点,你的视窗会改变这个观点。 C


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