Recommendation Form-Template.doc

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Recommendation Form-Template

推荐信表格 Recommendation Form 申请者姓名: 苏云 申请者生日: 1982-08-03 Name of Applicant Birthday of Applicant 推荐人姓名: 李兆基 David Lee 推荐人职务: 资深经理 Senior Manager Name of Recommender Position of Recommender 推荐人所在单位名称: 文思创新软件技术有限公司 Company Name of Recommender 推荐人电话: 推荐人邮箱: david_lee@ Tel of Recommender Email of Recommender * 申请者请将姓名和生日填写后将此表格交给推荐人。 Applicant please fill your name and birthday, and give this form to your recommenders. -------------------------------------以下仅供推荐人使用For Recommender Only------------------------------------- 推荐人须知Notes for the Recommender: 请填写完此表格后和您的名片一起放入信封封好,在信封封口处签字,并将信寄送至下面的地址。或者您也可以将封好的信封交给申请者,由申请者和其他材料一起寄送至上海外国语大学MBA办公室。我们将严格保密,真诚的感谢您填写此表格。 Please put this form and your name card into an envelope, sign across the seal and then return it to the address below or to the applicant. The applicant will send back all the documents with this form to SISU MBA office. The information you provide will be strictly kept confidential and we greatly appreciate your time and effort in completing this form. 联系地址Contact address: 上海外国语大学MBA教育中心 MBA Center, Shanghai International Studies University 中国上海市大连西路550号6号楼205室 (邮编200083) Room 205, No. 6 Building, No. 550 Dalian Road (West), Shanghai, P. R. China (Zip Code 200083) 您认识申请者多久了?How long have you known the applicant? 从2009年9月至今,2年 您与申请者的接触频率是?Please specify your contact frequency with the applicant? □ 经常Frequently □ 偶尔Sometimes □ 很少Little 您如何认识被推荐人的?您对他/她的了解程度如何?Under what circumstances have you known the applicant? How do you know him/her? 本人为申请人的直属汇报领导,对申请人有比较深的了解。 虽然职位有区分,但在工作过程中,本人与申请人可谓是紧密的工作合作 伙伴。只要本人或申请人不出差,每天都会以会议、面谈、邮件等形式充分接触 与沟通。 您认为被推荐人有哪些突出的才能和性格?What do you consider the applicant’s most outst


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