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经典例句: A 1. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.好的爱情让你从一个人身上看到整个世界,不好的爱情让你为了一个人放弃整个世界。 2. You must abide by the results of your mistakes .你必须忍受你的错误所带来的后果。 3. Changing the system will not abolish bubbles.改变体制并不会消灭泡沫。 4. Scare stories abound, but this is one worth taking seriously.耸人听闻的故事很多,但这一个却值得认真对待。 5. The idea that number 13 brings bad luck seems to quite absurd.认为“13”是不吉利的数字这一观念似乎挺荒唐可 笑的。 6. Does your heartbeat accelerate when you see the person you like? 见到心上人的时候, 你的心跳是否加快? 7. The web gives amateurs access to world-class communications tools and worldwide markets.网络给予业余爱好者世界 级的通讯工具和全球市场。 8. For once, nobody could accuse them of lacking ambition.就这一次,没有人可以指责他们缺少雄心。 9. It was a crushing defeat for America, a nation not accustomed to defeats.对美国这个不习惯吃败仗的国家来说,这是 一次惨重的失败。 10. The problem is most acute in politics.最严峻的问题发生在政治层面。 11. Our firm has adequate representation in Europe.本公司在欧洲有足够的代理权。 12. We must adhere to the principle under any conditions.在任何情况下我们都必须坚持原则。 13. Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry.有些经三济学家极力主张改革国 营企业。 14. Quite simple really, you become an affiliate.真的很简单,你变成一个附属。 15. Alcohol can aggravate various health problems.酒精会使许多健康问题加剧。 16. Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.酗酒常常导致家庭和朋友间的疏远。 17. We must allocate the money.我们必须分好这笔钱。 18. Love is alternate joy and woe.爱情就是欢乐与痛苦的轮回。 19. We have ample money for the journey.我们有足够的钱去旅行。 20. They quickly responded to the appeal.他们迅速响应了这个呼吁。 21. Judging the appeal of a persons inner beauty is much more subjective.判断一个人的内在美是否有感染力是颇为主观 的。 22. A new approach is clearly much needed.新策略显然是非常需要的。 23. How did life arise on Earth?生命如何在地球出现? 24. I like it. Naturally they can arouse your feelings.我喜欢它。它可以很自然地引起你的共鸣。 25. He is indeed arrogant enough.他的确是“狂”得可以。 26. We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.仅仅瞄一眼对方的鞋子,我们就知道他是个什么样的人。 27. Justice will as


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