Book 5 Unit 3 Life in the future一轮复习课件.ppt

Book 5 Unit 3 Life in the future一轮复习课件.ppt

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Book 5 Unit 3 Life in the future一轮复习课件

Look at the future life of little Jim in one thousand years’ time. 5)Modern inventions have sped up peoples lives amazingly. 6)警车以每小时100英里的时速追赶前面的那辆货车。 The police car is running at the speed of 100 miles per hour to chase after the truck ahead of it. 3.I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all directions. 当我们到了一个像大市场的地方时,由于人们朝不同的方向飞来飞去,我迷路了。 要点导航 what looked like a large market是what引导的宾语从句, what在从句中作主语。除了引导宾语从句外,what还常常引导主语从句、表语从句或同位语从句. what在从句中可以担当主语、表语或宾语。 完成句子 (1)在杨利伟成功地环绕地球之后,我们的宇航员下一步想做的事情就是太空行走。 After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, is to walk in space. 4. The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink, which made us sleepy, our eyes closed. 座位是舒适的,喝了点镇静剂后,我们感到昏昏欲睡,就把眼睛闭上了。 完成句子 (1)那个孩子的眼睛盯着模型飞机,所以没有听到我的话。 on the model plane, the child didn’t hear me. (2)由于工作条件不错,工人们都很满意,工作效率也更高。 , the workers feel pleased and are more efficient at their work. (3)讲座结束了,人们三三两两地走出大厅。 , people walked out of the hall in twos and threes. (4)因为有很多问题要去解决,新当选的市长面临着一段困难时期。 , the newly-elected mayor was facing a hard time. (5)我们英语老师进了教室,手中拿着一本杂志。 Our English teacher came into the classroom, . 1. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 过去分词短语在句中作原因状语。 1)______ (give) more attention, they could have grown better. 2)________(bring) up by his grandparents, Jim wasnt used to living with his parents. 3)______(free) from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities. 4) _____(leave) alone in the large house, the little boy had to learn to survive by himself. Brought Given Freed Left 5) _________(dress) in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself _______(notice) at the party. Dressed noticed 2. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. (1)这里的exhausted, worried 是形容词作状语,表示原因。一般放在


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