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预热练习 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I had looked forward to this day for a long time. Finally I, Kirsty Stuart, would stand on the top of Mount Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps. Although I climbed often in my native Scotland, this was my first trip to the Alps. My companions—Jean-Pierre Barton, Maurice Gautier, and Mary Sargent—and I left our camp early and planned to reach the top by late morning. As we neared the top, large clouds gathered and it began to snow. We found shelter and decided to wait for the snow to stop. After three hours, however, we decided to go back and try again the next day. We started down the mountain in the thick snow. Jean-Pierre forgot his sunglasses and went back to look for them. As he was returning to us, he started to fall. His fall started an avalanche 雪崩 and it was falling towards us! I was swept away by the heavy snow. Jean-Pierre hurried down to me. “Are you OK?” he asked. “I think I broke my leg,” I answered. “I’d better radio for help!” he said. “Where are the others?” We couldn’t see Maurice or Mary anywhere. Jean-Pierre called the emergency radio number, and the police said they would send help right away. It seemed like hours, but only minutes later we heard the welcome sound of a helicopter. The helicopter couldn’t land on the mountainside, so they lowered two men, two dogs, and a stretcher 担架 . One man ran to me, but I told him to search for the others. The dogs were trained for avalanche rescue and soon began to dig crazily in the snow. Bernardo, the lead dog, found Mary’s scarf and led the rescuers to her. Maurice was nearby. The men gave us hot drinks and warm blankets and then prepared to lift us into the helicopter. Two men inside the helicopter pulled us up by the ropes. I went first on the stretcher. Once we were safely inside, the helicopter flew to the hospital in Chamonix. Our poor rescuers and their dogs had to climb all the way back down the mountain. Later we would find these brave men


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