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Intended Uses 用途 Stuide for galvanized structure as anti-corrosive coating. It is inert for galvanised steel and possessed of excellent adhesion, ageing resistance and light stability. 适用于各种大气环境下的镀锌钢结构的防腐涂装,对镀锌面惰性,并具有优异附着力,耐耐大气老化性能和光稳定性。 Product Information产品简介 Primer: Light grey or park; Finish: Silver grey 底漆:浅灰或粉红; 面漆:银灰色 Application details 产品数据 Volume Solids 固体份 Primer 底漆 38% Finish 面漆 35% Dry Flm Thickness干膜厚度 40-50microns 40-50微米 Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率 Primer 底漆6.3-7.9m2 /Kg Finish 面漆 5.7-7.1平方米/公斤 Practical Coverage 实际涂布率 Allow appropriate loss 允许适量损耗 Storage and Handling 施工详述 Mix Radio 混合比 One pack 单罐装 Method of Application 施工方法 Airless Spray 无空气喷涂 Recommended 推荐采用 Brush or Roller 涂刷或辊涂 Recommended 推荐采用 Conwentional Spray 传统喷涂 Not Recommended 不推荐使用 Thinner 稀释剂 C001 Cleaner 油漆设备清洗剂 C001 Pot Life 使用期 12hours at room temperature after opening can 开罐后室温12小时 Storage 贮存期 8months 8个月 Drying time 干燥时间 Substrate Temperature 底材温度 Touch Dry 表干 (min) Hard Dry 硬干 h) Over coating Interval 覆涂间隔 Min最短 Max最长 25℃ 30 24 8 hours 小时 Primer 底漆 7days 天 Storageand Handling 贮存与管理 Storage 贮存 Store in cool and dry conditions 贮存于阴凉干燥处 Pack size 包装规格 20kg in 20 liter container 20公斤装于20公升容器中 Flash Point 闪点 38℃ Specific Gravity 比重 Primer 底漆 1.20 Kg/liter 1.20公斤/公升 Finish 面漆 1.23 Kg/liter 1.23公斤/公升 Specification and Surface preparation 技术要求及表面处理 Steel surface: Blast clean to Swedish Standard Sa2.5 or rust-removed with power tool or manually to Swedish Standard St3. Be clean and dry. The primer surface should be clean and dry before painting the finish too. 钢材表面:喷砂达瑞典标准Sa2.5或手工除锈或动力工具除锈至瑞典标准St3级,保持表面清洁干燥。涂面漆前,底漆表面保持清洁干燥。 Safety Precautions 安全措施 This product should be used in painting area by prefessional operators. When painting , please refer to Product Data Sheet and MSDS. Consult our company if consumers could not completely understand the precautions for safety and health when applying this product. This product is a kind of


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