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Kimbell Museum-Louis Kahn Alvar Aalto-regionalism Berlin Philharmonie-Hans Sharoun Sydney Opera house – Jorn Utzon Abstract representation of a bird The roof spreads over the heads of visitors like the wings of a bird about to take flight. Underneath everything is open, everything flows the characteristics of Hans Scharoun’s Philharmonie in Berlin (p.74) The center of this entirely novel construction, with the stage forming the ideal focal point surrounded by banks of seats. All 2200 members of audience are in contact with each other through connecting aisles and through the management of space and the acoustics, which are equally good from every seat. All this combines to make the Philharmonie. Philharmonie-交响乐厅 各种各样的乐器演奏出来一首歌曲- 舞台的中心性 观众和乐团成为一体 观众之间交流 每个观众有所属感 音乐的旋律-曲线-紧张和缓和 * Vision and Reality 1960 – 1970 The swinging sixties Louis Kahn.(p.71) characteristics of his work is recognized as a master with light. His work is characterized by buildings that are basically geometric in form and to which their clarity imparts a majestic severity . His refined skill in directing light gives almost all his buildings an agreeable atmosphere and creates many surprising spatial effects. Exeter Library Yale Center for British Art Skylight Kimbell Museum 照度 前庭 -------------- 入口 ------------ 门厅 -------------- 一般展示室 ------------------ 中庭 ------------ 雕塑展示室 多中心 每个展示室有自己的中心--天窗 Geometric form National assembly Bangladesh Indian Inst. Of Management Geometric form Brynmawr college Richards Research clarity 2) architectonic principle Regarding the functional placing of the service spaces and the areas which they serve, a hierarchy underlining the mental clarity that can always be discerned in the substance of his architecture. Serving space – served space Master space – servant space Richards Medical research center serving served 3) stresses in his teaching He never ceased to stress that every room was defined by its natural lighting as wel


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