
L3_C Program Control.ppt

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L3_C Program Control

Logical Operators ( logical AND) Returns true if both conditions are true || ( logical OR) Returns true if either of its conditions are true ! ( logical NOT, logical negation) Reverses the truth/falsity of its condition Unary operator, has one operand * Logical Operators Truth table for (fig. 4.13): * Expression 1 Expression2 Expression 1 expression 2 0 0 0 0 Nonzero 0 nonzero 0 0 nonzero nonzero 1 E.g. If ( gender ==1 age = 65 ) ++seniorFemales; Logical Operators Truth table for || (fig. 4.14): * Expression 1 Expression2 Expression 1 || expression 2 0 0 0 0 Nonzero 1 nonzero 0 1 nonzero nonzero 1 E.g. if (semesterAverage =90 || finalExam =90) printf(“Student grade is A\n”) Logical Operators Truth table for operator ! * Expression !Expression 0 1 nonzero 0 E.g. if(!(grade == sentinelValue)) printf(“The next grade is %f\n”, grade); equivalent to if (grade != sentinelValue) printf(“The next grade is %f\n”, grade); Logical Operators Fig.4.16 Operator Precedence and Associativity: * Precedence (优先级) Operators (操作符) Associativity (结合性) Type (类型) ++ -- + - ! (type) right to left unary * / % left to right multiplicative + - left to right additive = = left to right relational == != left to right equality left to right Logical AND || left to right Logical OR ?: right to left conditional = += -= *= /= %= right to left assignment , left to right comma high low Logical Operators Associativity: * left to right E.g. a*b*c (a*b)*c = right to left E.g. a=b=c=0 a = ( b= (c=0) ); , ||: left to right E.g. c = c=‘a’ c =‘z’ ? (c-32) : c; Careful! While(a=b) {….} If (abc) {….} * Logical Operators short-circuit evaluation(短路估值) Whenever a C program evaluates any expression of the form exp1 exp2 or exp1 || exp2, the individual sub-expressions are always evaluated from left to right (calculate exp1 then exp2), and evaluation ends as soon as the answer can be determined. This style of ev


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