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摘 要 棉花是我国新疆地区的一种主要经济作物,从上世纪80年代新疆被列为国家重点商品棉生产基地以来,新疆地区植棉业迅速发展,但随之带来的是棉花收获问题越来越突出,早期的人力采收棉花已不适应植棉产业以及植棉全程机械化的需要。从本世纪初,新疆地区开始大量引进国外大型自走式采棉机,国内也有一些厂家引进国外先进技术或自主研发部分采棉机机型。这些采棉机在生产实际中都得到逐步应用,随着人们观念的改变以及机采棉种植面积的扩大,以采棉机为主的机械采收棉花的形式也会被越来越多的人认同。 采摘头是采棉机的核心部件,目前在新疆地区工作的采棉机采摘头都为水平摘锭式,新疆兵团使用的采棉机大多为国外买进,而近几年采棉机采净率严重影响新疆的棉花质量。因此,对于采摘头适应性的棉花农艺参数的分析具有重要意义。 关键词:采摘头;农艺参数;分析 Abstract Cotton is a major cash crop in the Xinjiang region of China, from the 1980s, Xinjiang has been listed as national key commodity cotton production base since the rapid development of Xinjiang cotton industry, but brings with it more and more cotton harvest prominent early human harvesting cotton cotton no longer meet the needs of industry as well as full mechanization of cotton. From the beginning of this century, a lot of Xinjiang began large-scale introduction of foreign self-propelled cotton picker, some domestic manufacturers to introduce advanced foreign technology or self-developed part of the cotton picker models. These cotton picker in the actual production have been gradually applied, with the change and the expansion of planting area of cotton picker machine peoples attitudes to the mechanical cotton picker harvested mainly in the form of cotton will be more and more people identity. Picking head is the core component of the cotton picker, cotton picker picking head currently working in the Xinjiang region are horizontal pick ingot type, the domestic production of cotton picker picking head components are foreign buying, No domestic production enterprises reported. Therefore, the analysis of the first horizontal picking cotton agronomic suitability parameters is important. Keywords:Horizontal picking head;Agronomic parameter;analysis 目 录 1引言 1 1.1研究意义 1 1.2国内研究现状 1 1.3采棉机理论及方法研究现状 2 1.4研究内容与方法 3 2 机采棉植物特性及成熟度脱叶情况分析 4 2.1棉花的植物特性测定 4 2.2植株特性测定结果与分析 4 2.3 成熟度和脱叶程度测定与分析 7 3 水平摘锭的原理及其影响 10 3.1水平摘锭式采棉滚筒工作原理 10 3.2 水平摘锭的工作原理 11 3.3影响摘锭采摘效率的因素 12 4 结论 12 致 谢 14 参考文献 15 附 录 16 1引言 1.


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