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摘 要 随着信息化建设的日益深入无论是政府还是企事业单位,部门之间的信息沟通与协调工作越来越重要人们迫切需要一个能充分利用网络优势,并可以管理企业的各种重要信息的软件平台,利用该平台快速建立自己的信息网络和办公管理系统。办公自动化系统应运而生。办公自动化系统利用计算机技术和网络技术,使办公室部分工作逐步信息化,从而形成由办公室人员与办公设备共同构成服务于某种目标的人机信息处理系统随着网络的发展,办公自动化系统已经成为办公信息化管理的一个重要途径基于WEB架构,采用J2EE框架中的Struts + Hibernate+ J技术进行开发。实现的主要功能模块有、管理、管理、管理。经过测试,功能上能够满足实际的需要,实现了预期的效果。 关键词管理系统;J;Struts;Hibernate Abstract With increasing depth of?information construction, either government or enterprise and public institution should realize the increasing importance of? ?interdepartmental information communication and?teamwork. We stood in need of?different kinds of import informational software platform which is able to make the most of network predominance and?utilize the platform in establishing our in-house information network and?office management system. Office automation management system emerged as the times require. OA make office work information technology gradually by??utilizing??computer technology and network technique, thereby??man computer??information handling system in the service of some kind of object which??formed by office worker and??office equipment jointly came into being. With the development of network, office automation management system has become an important way of office information technology management. The system is based on WEB frame, uses the Struts, Hibernate and JSP technologies for exploitation. Main functional module includes information management, time management, application management, user management, communication management. The results of testing show the function could satisfy the actual requirement, the anticipative impact has come true. Keywords Office Automation Management System; JSP; Struts; Hibernate 目录摘 要 i Abstract ii 前 言 1 第一章 系统需求分析 2 1.1 可行性研究 2 1.2 功能需求 2 1.3 系统开发和运行环境 3 第二章 相关知识点 4 2.1 J2EE知识简介 4 2.2 Struts知识简介 4 2.3 Hibernate知识简介 5 第三章 系统概要设计 7 3.1 系统功能模块概要设计 7 3.2 数据库设计 9 3.2.1 数据库概念设计 9 3.2.2 数据库逻辑设计 13 第四章 系统详细设计与实现 17 4.1 信息管理模块功能



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