单词语境记忆 Book1 Unit 1 Friendship.doc

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单词语境记忆 Book1 Unit 1 Friendship ? 单词语境记忆 Tom was a 3-year-old boy. His mother was very much concerned about his future. One day, she had a talk face to face with her husband, saying that it was time to let Tom join in a maths training class in order to help him get along well with maths. However, his father disagreed. He believed it was too early for Tom to study maths. So she has got to do the training by herself at home. She really went through a lot because the small boy was too young to fall in love with maths. She set down a series of maths exercises for him to do. One day at dusk, she asked him to add up a couple of numbers. However, Tom upset her again and again. He just played with his toys and seemed to ignore almost all that she had said on purpose. Worried and angry, the mother found it hard to calm herself down. She packed up all the toys, threw them into the dustbin and asked him to stand outdoors for half an hour. She was really tired of the training and didn’t know how to settle the problem. The following day, she fell ill and suffered a lot from the illness for several days. After she recovered, she decided she would no longer force her 3-year-old boy to study maths. ? ? 热点词汇学习 ★? add v. 加,增加;补充说; add up 合计,加起来;;与应有数量相符;合情合理 add up to 总计达;等于;意味着;总起来说 add…to… 把….加到….里 add to 增加/添 ①???? The fire is going out; will you add some wood? 火快熄了,请你加些木柴好吗? I felt sorry for her, Bob added. 我为她感到惋惜,鲍勃又说道。 ②???? If we add these marks up, well get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。 The little things we do add up. 我们做的每一件小事都合情合理。 ③???? The money adds up to $100. 这笔钱总计达100美元。 ④???? Please add something to what I’ve said, John. 约翰,请对我所说的做些补充吧。 ⑤The snowstorm added to our difficulties. 暴风雪增加了我们的困难。 ? ★upset vt. 1. 弄翻,打翻;倾覆 2. 打乱,搅乱 3. 使心烦意乱 The generals plotted to upset the government. 将军们策划推翻政府。 Rain upset our plans for a picnic. 下雨打乱了我们的野餐计划。 Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely. 她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。


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