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Translation of Numbers 1.5 as + adj./adv. + again + as 同一水平的比较, again指净增一倍 ● The number of our staff is as great again as that of yours. 我们的职工人数比你们多一倍。 我们的职工人数是你们的两倍。 Translation of Numbers 2. Precise Numbers 确切数字 literal translation 直译 increase, rise, grow, up, a rise of, an increase of… decrease, fall, drop, reduce, down, a fall/dip/drop of… Translation of Numbers ● China’s imports from the US, which amounted to $ 900 million in 1978, rose to nearly $ 3 billion in 1982. 中国从美国的进口额,1978年为9亿 美元,到了1982年增加到近30亿美元。 ● The U.S. dollar traded at 101.13 yen, up 0.20 yen from 100.93 on Friday. 美元兑日元的汇率是每美元101.13日 元,比周五上涨了0.20日元。 Translation of Numbers ● The Nasdaq Index closed at a provisional 1,802.15 points, down/off 15.89. 纳斯达克指数下跌15.89点,暂收于 1,802.15 点。 ● The Nasdaq Index suffered a drop of 15.89 points to close at 1,802.15. Translation of Numbers 3. Approximate Numbers 概数 3.1 some/about/around + N. N. or so ● In 2010, China’s CPI increase was some/about/around 3.3 percent. 2010年,中国的CPI全年上涨了 大约3.3%。 3.3 percent or so. Translation of Numbers CPI Consumer Price Index 消费者物价指数/居民消费指数 CPI 3% Inflation通货膨胀 CPI 5% Serious Inflation 严重通货膨胀 Translation of Numbers 3.2 under, below, less than, no more than, at most, at the very most, as few as... 少于,不足 ● This lot of goods were shipped in less than six days. 这批货不到六天就装运完毕。 3.3 over, above, more than, not less than, at least... 超过,以上 Translation of Numbers 3.4 other expressions ● Ten to one, we will over-fulfill our production plan for this quarter. 十之八九,我们将超额完成本季度 生产计划。 ● The investigation into the damaged goods was done by halves. 对受损货物的调查不彻底。 Translation of Numbers ● Our products are second to none in quality with a low price. 我方产品质量首屈一指,价廉物美。 ● --- Can you come down a little --- Sorry, it’s one price for all. 你能卖便宜点吗? 对不起,不二价。 Exercises The company’s shares fell 26.5 cents to $ 1.86 yesterday. Directors declared an interim dividend of 2.5 cents per share, down three cents from 5.5 cents


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