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世博—中国 今日世博与古时世博 斗拱 中国馆是上海世博园内的标志性建筑,里里外外都透露出传统的中国风情,“东方之冠”是用一种叫做“斗拱”的传统技术建造的。每个角落里交错的横梁赋予了这座建筑独特的面貌。但如此大规模地使用这项技术,在历史上还是首次。 “斗拱”,在Wikipedia上的翻译仍然是拼音dougong,给出的解释是: A unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets. 一种独特的将木质支撑物交错 搭建的建筑方法。 斗拱 在中国的传统建筑中,因为墙的支撑力很小,不能做到百分百load-bearing,更多时候墙是建造成网格式的,latticework,或者是泥墙,mud wall,或者选用其他delicate materials,不足以撑起整个建筑物的重量,这个时候斗拱就要派上大用场了。“斗拱”有两个主要部分: 斗:a large wooden block on a column 拱:the bow-shaped brackets 斗拱 The function of dougong is to provide increased support for the weight of the horizontal beams that span the vertical columns or pillars. 斗拱的作用就是支撑柱子上的横梁重量。 明朝的时候,斗拱开始成为建筑物的一种decorative element,在实用的基础上增加了装饰的效果。但是斗拱绝对不是华而不实的,这样的构造其实能够很好地抵御地震: 斗拱 The dougong structure is highly resistant to earthquakes. It could hold the wood structure together even though brick walls would collapse in the same earthquake. This helped so many ancient buildings to stand intact for hundreds of years. 斗拱能够抵御地震,在一场地震中,砖墙都很可能倒塌,但是斗拱的结构能保证木质建筑的稳定。许多古代建筑都是因此而保留了上千年。 历史回眸:1900年的世博中国馆 The Exposition Universelle 万能;宇宙) of 1900 was the first world fair in the twentieth century. It was held in Paris, France, to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development into the next. The style that was universally present in the Exposition was Art Nouveau 新艺术主义,流行于十九世纪末的欧美装饰艺术风格). And also youll see that China participated in the fair, setting up five Chinese Pavilions on the exposition grounds. 历史回眸:1900年的世博中国馆 In todays China at the World Expos series, we take a look at the 1900 World Expo. This is a lithograph of one of the Chinese Pavilions in the 1900 Paris Exposition. 历史回眸:1900年的世博中国馆 In the top of the lithograph is the portrait of the Chinese Empress Dowager Cixi, the de facto ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China during that period. The Pavilion is a duplicated temple of typically Chinese style, with the flag of the Qing Dynasty flying on top. 历史回眸:1900年的世博中国馆 In front of the the Pavilion, Chinese craftsm


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