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It的用法及强调句型教学设计 [导读] 掌握和运用it的用法,尤其是it在强调句型中的用法。 一、教学目标: 掌握和运用it的用法,尤其是it在强调句型中的用法。 二、教学重点: 1. Its no good / no use / a waste of time money + doing. 2. 主语 + hate / dislike / appreciate it + when / if... 3. It + be + 一段时间 + since从句 / before从句. 4. not until / till在正常句型、倒装句型与强调句型中的运用;only + 状语在强调句型和倒装句型中的运用。 5. 强调句型与其他句型的比较。 三、教学难点: 1. “It + be +一段时间+since从句 / before从句”. 2. not until / till在正常句型、倒装句型与强调句型中的运用;only + 状语在强调句型和倒装句型中的运用。 3. 强调句型与其他句型的比较。 四、教学理念:精讲多练,以学生为中心,体现学生的主体性。 五、教学方法:讲练结合,点拨归纳。 六、教学模式:先学后教,当堂训练。 七、教学过程:先学→后教→再练。 1. 先学。看语法指南、完成相关练习、提出疑问。口诀: 代词it本意它, 既可指这又指那; 时间天气均可指, 谈到距离也用它; 假主假宾均可做, 强调句型跟that。 完成句子: 1. ___ 哭没有用 over spilt milk. use 2. ___ 我讨厌 when people talk with their mouths full. (hate 3. It is almost two years ___ 自从她来我们班 . come 4. ___ 直到我回来 that he left. return 5. It was in this village ___ 我长大 . bring 6. I wonder ___ 是什么 makes you unhappy. it Keys: 1. It is no use crying 2. I hate it 3. since she came to our class 4. It was not until I returned 5. that I was brought up 6. what it is that 2. 后教。讲练结合,点拨归纳重点、难点。 ◆ 点拨一 It?蒺s no good / no use / a waste of time money + doing. 1. It?蒺s no use ___ 跟他争论 . argue 2. I think it is a waste of time ___ 等他 . wait Keys: 1. arguing with him 2. waiting for him ◆ 点拨二 主语 + hate / dislike / appreciate it + when / if... ___ 我将感激不尽 if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. appreciate 2006山东卷 Key: I?蒺d appreciate it ◆ 点拨三 “It + be + 一段时间 + since从句”表示从事情发生 / 结束到现在有多长时间了。 “It + be + 一段时间 + before从句”说明一件事与另一件事的间隔,意为“过……才……”。 1. It is almost five years ___ 自从我们见面 each other last time. see 2005北京卷 2. It is almost five years ___. 他不抽烟快有5年时间了 smoke 3. It was some time ___ 我们才意识到 the truth. realize 2005山东卷 4. ___ 过不了多久 before we meet again. it Keys: 1. since we met 2. since he smoked 3. before we realized 4. It won?蒺t be long ◆ 点拨四 not until / till在正常句型、倒装句型与强调句型中的运用; only + 状语在强调句型和倒装句型中的运用。 1. ___ 我才离开 until he returned. leave Not until he returned ___ 我才离开 . lea


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