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本科毕业论文 题 目 红枣的加工价值开发 Study on the development of processing the values of jujube 姓 名 胡慧兰 学 号 座机电话号码00421 专 业 食品工程 指导教师 李二虎 职 称 副教授 中国·武汉 二〇一一 年 六 月 目 录 摘要 3 关键词 3 Abstract 4 Keywords 4 1前言 5 1.1大枣种植在农业生产中现状 5 1.1.1大枣的种植分布 5 1.1.2 大枣的年产量及贸易情况介绍 5 1.2 枣产品开发的商业意义 5 1.2.1 枣产品开发的营养与保健意义 6 1.2.2 枣周边产品的发展现状 7 2 材料与方法 8 2.1 低酒精枣饮料的材料 8 2.1.1 原料、菌种及试剂 8 2.1.2 主要仪器 8 2.1.3 主要试剂 9 2.2.1 酿造枣酒 10 3 结果与分析……………………………………………………………………………10 3.1 样品A、B的优选……………………………………………………………………10 3.1.1 样品A、B的讨论…………………………………………………………………11 3.1.1 样品A、B的总结…………………………………………………………………14 3.2 低酒精枣饮料的调配……………………………………………………………… .14 3.2.1 枣饮料的正交优选………………………………………………………………14 3.3 低酒精枣饮料后期展望……………………………………………………………15 3.3.1 展望碳酸型低酒精枣饮料………………………………………………………16 参考文献 17 致谢 18 附录:部分实验的详细操作程序 29 附表 31 摘要关键词Abstract Jujube, a plant of the genus Ziziphus mill, is one of the origin of the world's oldest fruit varieties, is native to China's traditional dominant species.?Modern pharmacology is by testing found that red jujube contains rich carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin C, vitamin A, GA, Fe, Zn, p and so on, even as high as some varieties of jujube in the VC content 800mg/100g is seven times of the hawthorn, sixty~eighty times of apple and grape.?In addition, red?jujube?also contains?biological active ingredients,?such as jujubepolysaccharides,?saponins,?rutin,?cGMP,?cAMP?and so on. One of the significance of the experiment is through the deep processing to solve agricultural production problem of surplus jujube, storage problem; Second goal, in our country, more than 90% of sales are fresh dates, this experiment through jujube food processing industrial technology will attach jujube with more value, not only increase the income of farmers, but also increase the country revenue.?This experiment of jujube diversified development: through the orthogonal experiment, get the best combination of factors. Two kind of fermentation substrate, ratio of jujube fresh juice with fermented juice and distilled juice,


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