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Introduction Ensure the hard floor surface clean and clear and looks its best. 简介 保证地面的干净整洁。 Equipment needed - Chewing gum remover - Marble scrapper knife, - Neutral cleanser spray can - Rag wet Blue - Bucket - Warning board - Small garbage bag 所需设备 - 香口胶去除剂; - 云石铲刀; - 中性清洁剂喷壶; - 抹布(湿)蓝色; - 水桶; - 清洁工作进行中警示牌; - 小垃圾袋; Cleaning task steps - Place the warning board in the cleaning area, and fill in half bucket of water; - For the gum sticking to the hard ground like pvc, marble, cement , drop some chewing gum remover on the gum and wait for about 5 minutes; - Use the marble scrapper knife to clean the chewing gum at a 45 degree angle, put the gum in the garbage bag; - Spray a little neutral cleanser on the floor, wipe the floor and then wash the rag in the bucket, after that, wipe the floor all over again; - Remove the warning board when the floor is dry; 清洁步骤 - 在需要工作的区域放置清洁工作进行中警示牌,并在水桶中放小半桶清水; - 对于黏在硬质(pvc、大理石、水泥等)地面上的香口胶,先在香口胶上滴上数滴香口胶去除剂,稍等片刻(约五分钟); - 用云石铲刀以45度左右的角度向一个方向沿着地面铲掉已软化的香口胶并装入垃圾袋中; - 在去除香口胶的地面上喷少许的中性清洁剂,用抹布擦拭地面,然后在水桶中搓洗抹布,再擦拭一遍地面; - 待地面稍干后移除清洁工作中警示牌; Equipment cleaning and storage Return equipment to Domestic Services Room, clean it dry off. Replace chemical bottle to a lockable cabinet; - Wash and dry hands; 设备清洁及储存 - 将设备归还至储存室;清洁设备并干燥;将化学药剂瓶存放于有锁的储藏柜中; - 洗手,擦干; How do we know when we have done properly? It should be dry and smear free from any visible dirt, stains, smears and spillages. 如何知道我们已经正确地完成了工作了呢? 地面应干燥无污渍,无可见灰尘和污垢。 Important Health Safety Notes N.B - Use proper colour coded cleaning tools to prevent cross-contamination; - Be careful not to hurt the fingers when using the knives. - Maintain the floor dry - There should be a sign post at the working area. - Put on gloves prior working with chemicals; - Ensure adequate ventilation when using chemicals; - Use chemicals according to manufacturers’ instruction; - Used chemical MSDS must be on-site 重要健康安全提示 - 正确使用颜色编码的清洁工具以防止交叉污染; - 使用刀具时注意安全; - 保持地板干燥; - 工作区域应防止告示牌; - 使用化学药剂时戴好防护性手套; - 使用


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